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  1. P

    Lincoln Service

    Anyone know why Lincoln Service 307 hasn't left chi yet? I am supposet to pick my daughter up at bnl and it hasn't left yet. 50 minutes late right now and I am just wondering whats going on.
  2. P

    Track Construction between St Louis and Chicago

    As a resident of Illinois, I must say sir, that we resemble that remark.
  3. P

    Texas Eagle

    Does any one know why the Texas Eagle, 22 is running late to Chicago today. From looking at the status map, it seems to be stopped somewhere between St Louis and Alton. thanks
  4. P

    Lincoln Service (5/27)

    My daughter called this morning and told me there were indeed trees on the track. Fortuately for her she was only 3 hours late. And of course being only 23 thats just another adventure. Are you in the Air Force, Richard?
  5. P

    Lincoln Service (5/27)

    Does anyone know why the Lincoln Service trains, 304 and 306 between St Louis and Chicago are running late tonight? My daughter was supposed to be getting on in Bloomington at 8:36 on the 306 and now their saying 10:53. Thanks all.
  6. P

    Circus Train on the NEC today! (4/2)

    Anybody happen to snap any pics? I would like to see that.
  7. P

    What not to worry about when riding Amtrak

    I like not having to get the station 2 hours early.
  8. P

    Amtrak train set to hit 110 mph in test run

    I heard on the local news today that Gov Quinn and Ray LaHood were on that train today. I guess it was for only 15 miles, but as I like to say, one thing at a time.
  9. P

    Is a Peoria, IL -> Chicago route possible

    My daughter lives in Chicago now and she takes the PCC bus down and back every 3 weeks or so to see us. She gets on it at Midway, it also stops at O'Hare. She gets off at the city link building here. The bus than goes on to Bradley. I think its 40 bucks each way.
  10. P

    STL Lockers

    Is the screen on the iphone big enough to read on? It seems like the older a get shorter my arms get. I do have several pairs of readers though.
  11. P

    STL Lockers

    I am not a techie. Not sure if I could figure out the Kindle thing. I bought my gf one for christmas last year and she hasn't taken it out of the box yet. And I am kind of old school. I find it kind of reassuring to hold a book in my hand.
  12. P

    STL Lockers

    Thank you traveler and stlouielady. Would like to be able to drag along a couple of books with me on the train. Would be nice to toss them in a locker and not drag them to a the game.
  13. P

    STL Lockers

    We are going to take the LS to STL to see a couple of Cardinal game this summer. I was wondering, does anyone know if there are lockers at the station in STL? Thanks
  14. P

    discounted tickets

    I used to be in the air National Guard and I used to get the military discount. I always reserve tickets online and pick them up at the quick ticket. About a year ago, when coming back from NOL on the cono, we got stuck on the bridge and missed the train. When I got to the station the lady at...
  15. P

    MLB by Train

    Great website, thanks for the post. I live near BNL and I try to get to a couple of cub games and a couple of cardinal games every year.