The Canadian is resuming service to Toronto

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Sep 24, 2011
Nova Scotia
VIA has announced the Canadian will be extended back to Toronto from Winnipeg. There will be one train a week each way. The first through train from Vancouver to Toronto will be on May 17.....and the first departure from Toronto to Vancouver on May 23.


The press release says 'essential transportation' so I assume (and as it should be right now!!)....there will still be no access to the Dome Cars and breakfast and dinner in the Diner by reservation only.......and lunch delivered to your accommodations.

A step in the right direction but yet it will remain a much diminished experience if it is "essential transportation." And for goodness sakes, please hold hope for additional frequencies!
The press release says 'essential transportation' so I assume (and as it should be right now!!)....there will still be no access to the Dome Cars and breakfast and dinner in the Diner by reservation only.......and lunch delivered to your accommodations.
This is good news. But, why is it ok to sit for 5 hours 6 across in a transcon flight but not ok for a couple hours in the dome, especially if the passengers have been vaccinated?
The bigger question, asked when the service resumed between Winnipeg and Vancouver a few months ago, is why even tow the unused cars?

A Prestige Park provides the only 'accessible' sleeper accommodations on the train so it has to be in the consist. (the bedroom is sold at regular sleeper rates...not Prestige) ......and from what I've read in other forums....the Skyline provides the coach meals service. Could the coach meals have been provided by the regular diner? Don't know but the Skyline is the way VIA is doing it.
This is good news. But, why is it ok to sit for 5 hours 6 across in a transcon flight but not ok for a couple hours in the dome, especially if the passengers have been vaccinated?

It seem the Canadian is being operated for essential travel for those that just have no other option. With several provinces in full lock-down...this is not the time to be travelling and enjoying the view from the Dome. I'm sure a full service Canadian will return when its safe.
A Prestige Park provides the only 'accessible' sleeper accommodations on the train so it has to be in the consist. (the bedroom is sold at regular sleeper rates...not Prestige) ......and from what I've read in other forums....the Skyline provides the coach meals service. Could the coach meals have been provided by the regular diner? Don't know but the Skyline is the way VIA is doing it.
My understanding was that coach meal service is from a trolley and that no space is being sold in the Park car. The former is directly from the VIA website:
It seem the Canadian is being operated for essential travel for those that just have no other option.
It's odd that this wasn't a concern for the last several months and yet with cases in Ontario at an all-time high it no longer is.🤔 I'm happy to see the service restored, but suggest there is way more to this development than meets the eye.
My understanding was that coach meal service is from a trolley and that no space is being sold in the Park car.

Discussion in several of the Can Pass Rail Forums is that the trolley meal service is out of the Skyline and the Park has the only accessible sleeper accommodation (that has to be provided) on the train. Perhaps a call to VIA will confirm.
"Unfortunately, the Park car and Skyline car (lounge/dome cars) will not be accessible to any passengers"........nothing about the accessible bedroom not being available.
By use of the word "former" I was referring to meal service on the same page. Note the term "cart service". I never cited an accessible bedroom not being available, however if the Park car is "not accessible to any passengers", presumably that would include the disabled. You're kind of defeating your own argument...
You're kind of defeating your own argument...


Yes....the coach meal 'cart service' or trolley is supplied from the Skyline......

"Unfortunately, the Park car and Skyline car (lounge/dome cars) will not be accessible to any passengers"........nothing about the accessible bedroom not being available.

Again.....nothing there about the 'accessible' (handicapped) bedroom not being available.....just the Park and Skyline "lounge/dome cars" will not be available to any passengers. As you are aware the Park has more than a lounge and dome!
VIA has announced the Canadian will be extended back to Toronto from Winnipeg. There will be one train a week each way. The first through train from Vancouver to Toronto will be on May 17.....and the first departure from Toronto to Vancouver on May 23.


The press release says 'essential transportation' so I assume (and as it should be right now!!)....there will still be no access to the Dome Cars and breakfast and dinner in the Diner by reservation only.......and lunch delivered to your accommodations.

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As the saying goes, " There's Good News, and there's Bad News."

The Good News is the Train is going to resume the entire route, even if only once a week.

The Bad News is, that with the Border Closed, only Canadians can ride this Train and that it would be almost like being in Jail if you're stuck in your Room most of the day and cant Walk the Train, or visit in the Domes and the Park Car!

More Bad News is the Fares will continue to be High, the Ridership will be Low, and it will give the Suits in Ottawa,Toronto and Montreal ammo to cut the Train cause it loses too much money!

I would think the Ocean, if it ever resumes, will face the same set of circumstances!
Discussion in several of the Can Pass Rail Forums is that the trolley meal service is out of the Skyline and the Park has the only accessible sleeper accommodation (that has to be provided) on the train.
Correct, both cars have essential functions, even as dome and lounge areas remain closed to passengers...

More Bad News is the Fares will continue to be High, the Ridership will be Low, and it will give the Suits in Ottawa,Toronto and Montreal ammo to cut the Train cause it loses too much money!

I would think the Ocean, if it ever resumes, will face the same set of circumstances!
Yawn, if VIA and the feds were just waiting for an excuse to cancel the Canadian, they would have done so about 10 years ago, when its financials were in a similarly rough shape where Amtrak’s long-distance trains are now. Instead, they focused on international tourism and invested in Prestige Class, which helped the Canadian to now recover approximately 90% of its direct (i.e. avoidable) costs, compared to 50% for Amtrak’s long-distance services...

The Ocean is of course an entirely different case, but with the Quebec government finally investing the amounts needed to restore the infrastructure maintenance levels needed to restore passenger service to Gaspé, I believe it’s unthinkable that the feds will kill the Ocean at this point (as the Chaleur would be prohibitively expensive to operate without the ability to piggypack on the Ocean).

Just my two cents as someone who might be closer to these things than most people here, but please feel free to continue believing whatever you want...
Correct, both cars have essential functions, even as dome and lounge areas remain closed to passengers...

Yawn, if VIA and the feds were just waiting for an excuse to cancel the Canadian, they would have done so about 10 years ago, when its financials were in a similarly rough shape where Amtrak’s long-distance trains are now. Instead, they focused on international tourism and invested in Prestige Class, which helped the Canadian to now recover approximately 90% of its direct (i.e. avoidable) costs, compared to 50% for Amtrak’s long-distance services...

The Ocean is of course an entirely different case, but with the Quebec government finally investing the amounts needed to restore the infrastructure maintenance levels needed to restore passenger service to Gaspé, I believe it’s unthinkable that the feds will kill the Ocean at this point (as the Chaleur would be prohibitively expensive to operate without the ability to piggypack on the Ocean).

Just my two cents as someone who might be closer to these things than most people here, but please feel free to continue believing whatever you want...
Thanks for the update from the Great White North! I certainly hope you are right and I'm wrong!
Yawn, if VIA and the feds were just waiting for an excuse to cancel the Canadian, they would have done so about 10 years ago, when its financials were in a similarly rough shape where Amtrak’s long-distance trains are now. Instead, they focused on international tourism and invested in Prestige Class, which helped the Canadian to now recover approximately 90% of its direct (i.e. avoidable) costs, compared to 50% for Amtrak’s long-distance services...
Amtrak, take notes now!
There has been a lot on AU recently about the very high prices of roomettes, etc.
For fun, I just did a trial booking on the Canadian, and their bedroom for one, from Toronto to Vancouver is showing at $CAD 1500, about $1200 USD. I don't know which on board services are operating, but it "includes meals".
There has been a lot on AU recently about the very high prices of roomettes, etc.
For fun, I just did a trial booking on the Canadian, and their bedroom for one, from Toronto to Vancouver is showing at $CAD 1500, about $1200 USD. I don't know which on board services are operating, but it "includes meals".
That's pretty pricey for a once a week, stay in your Room Train that's supposed to be a "Dream Trip", but basically will be like a Jail sentence with good food and drink and nice scenery out one side of the Train.

I'll pass till things return to normal( even if I could get to Canada to ride it, which I cant!)

Disclaimer: I've ridden the Csnadian several times and would do it again in a New York Minute, but only @ " Off Season" Prices, once things return to " Normal")
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For now I thought the Canadian was being operated just for essential service, and not so much for dream trip. I suspect it is more for serving those zillion little flag stops rather than someone hell bent on traveling all the way across the continent in the middle of a pandemic. 🤷‍♂️
I did not read the fine print, the system seemed to be allowing me to proceed with a booking, but who knows. The only point I was trying to make was it is an oportunity to compare VIA and Amtrak's prices. (Amtrak Chi to Sea in roomette for same dates is $USD 1,047) 1618417280309.png
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For now I thought the Canadian was being operated just for essential service, and not so much for dream trip. I suspect it is more for serving those zillion little flag stops rather than someone hell bent on traveling all the way across the continent in the middle of a pandemic. 🤷‍♂️
That's the suggestion, but the timing is odd. If essential now, it was essential for the last several months when restrictions were less severe. Now Ontario is under a "stay-at-home" order and we can't use it. Unless the order is lifted, technically it will have to leave Toronto empty of anyone but essential travelers. (The order expires on the 6th, but is expected to be extended by 28 days.)