Software update later today.

Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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Staff member
Aug 2, 2016
We are upgrading the software later today.

The forum will be off line for a short time.

Your regular login should work fine when forum comes back up.
Seems it is finally later today. When the forum goes down for upgrade it takes about 2 hours. So, when you cannot get in, go do something else for about that long and then try logging in with your regular login name and password. IF, you have problems, use the Contact us at the bottom corner of the page to reach me for help.
Try it on a thread you have click on since the change.
Also at top of a thread is Jump to New on the right side of the top bar.
Not really a fan of the constant overhauls. Was this externally-induced (a "forced 'upgrade'") or an internal decision?

Edit: @Qapla If you get animated avatars I want to be able to turn avatars off.
@Alice The watch forum is now on the top forum bar on the right hand side. Also, when there check out the Filters and what you can do with that feature.

Angie, That "mark read" you show marks all forums read. I like to read the threads I'm interested in separately, mark that sub-forum only read, then go to the next sub-forum. By "sub-forum" I mean "News, Announcements & Intros", "Forum Members' Gathering", etc. If I check every day, your system works well as I use the new posts section, but when I do not connect for several weeks, looking through them in chunks works better and the old way gave me a way to tell what I'd already gone through.

So the question stands, is marking read one forum at a time gone, or moved?

@Alice - as I answered in the post #20. Go to the forum you want to mark read. Look at that forum's top bar. Find MARK READ and click on it. Below are more fully seen examples.

And why there, you may want to explore the Filters under Watch.


Angie, where will you lead us from here, you can't say you're satisfied.
🤗 Kidding, you're doing a great job!

We may have to start ordering and making model trains if we are all staying home more than normal for awhile. Or have some type of contest for Amtrak photos. Maybe I can think up something fun.