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Train Attendant
Oct 16, 2010
My wife and I are taking the CZ from SAC-CHI. We have a bedroom booked. My question--other than the lounge car where else can we sit. Can we grab a couple of coach seats if we see they are avvailable? What are out options when not in the bedroom? Thanks--
Yes you can, though it can be perceived as rude because coach passengers like to sit in available seats too, especially if they have an uncomfortable seat partner. And you'll bas asked to return to your seat if those seats are needed by the crew... But vie heard of many sleeper pax wandering back to coach and enjoying the seats without worry.

I think you'll find that your bedroom is more than comfortable during the day to just sit and watch the scenery go by with occasional trips to the lounge car.
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Trust Me, if you have a sleeper - You wont want to sit in coach!!!

Have Fun
I'm not quite understanding the "rude" part? Before we go and make a grievous error, please elaborate more on that--
I'm not quite understanding the "rude" part? Before we go and make a grievous error, please elaborate more on that--
The "rude" part is that you paid for a sleeping car, and other people paid for coach. Just as it would be rude for coach passengers to come and sit in the sleeping cars without paying for it, it *can* be considered rude for you to go sit in the coaches without paying for a seat there.

Obviously this isn't really going to matter if it's a mostly empty coach. But if there are only a few seats, for you to take them up when you already have perfectly good accommodations elsewhere could be considered rude, especially if somebody who is actually supposed to be in that coach wanted to change seats.

Personally, I would just say to use your judgment as far as how crowded it is.

Then again, I doubt you will want to sit in a coach if you have a sleeping car. It's kind of like a first class passenger on a plane wondering if it would be ok for them to go into the economy cabin and sit there if they see empty seats. Er... maybe... but why would you want to?
One thing that I myself consider rude is all the coach passengers that use the Sightseer Lounge car as "their" sleeping car!
True some people do fall asleep in the chairs. But most people do not bring pillows, blankets or sleeping bags with them - and most people who fall asleep do not take up 2 or 3 seats, sleep on the floor or have their feet in the aisle!

We have a name for those people - "Lounge Lizards"!

I myself sometimes like to go to the Sightseer during the middle of the night, just to see the lights go by. Sometimes, I can't even find a seat - because they're all taken be "Lizards"!
One thing that I myself consider rude is all the coach passengers that use the Sightseer Lounge car as "their" sleeping car!
True some people do fall asleep in the chairs. But most people do not bring pillows, blankets or sleeping bags with them - and most people who fall asleep do not take up 2 or 3 seats, sleep on the floor or have their feet in the aisle!

We have a name for those people - "Lounge Lizards"!

I myself sometimes like to go to the Sightseer during the middle of the night, just to see the lights go by. Sometimes, I can't even find a seat - because they're all taken be "Lizards"!
Try a table downstairs Dave; the "Lizards" haven't found it yet(I hope). :ph34r:
To add to it, the coach pax are told a hundred thousand times to stay in their seats and that they can't sit in those seats, even if they want more room. Then somebody just walks in and takes a seat that they have been told they can't use...
If I'm in a Roomette on a scenic stretch and the Lounge is packed, I'll sometimes ease into Coach and grab a seat if there are plenty open so I can see out of both sides. I've discovered the Southwest Chief seems to be a haven for Lounge Lizards, as they blatantly start moving in about 9:30 or 10 with pillows and blankets in hand and by 11 have predatated most of the seats and floor space. On the other hand, I've often been the only one in the Lounge on the Texas Eagle.
I did not realize that this was a hot button topic. I thought that we may want to meet other folks and interact with people. That was the main reason I was asking about moving about. We were not interested in being a hermits and camping out in the bedroom. I guess we will have to just feel this one out. Thanks again for the info----
One thing that I myself consider rude is all the coach passengers that use the Sightseer Lounge car as "their" sleeping car!
True some people do fall asleep in the chairs. But most people do not bring pillows, blankets or sleeping bags with them - and most people who fall asleep do not take up 2 or 3 seats, sleep on the floor or have their feet in the aisle!

We have a name for those people - "Lounge Lizards"!

I myself sometimes like to go to the Sightseer during the middle of the night, just to see the lights go by. Sometimes, I can't even find a seat - because they're all taken be "Lizards"!
I do this. Why? Because 1. NO ONE is at the sightseer lounge at night, and no one is around at 7 in the morning.
One thing that I myself consider rude is all the coach passengers that use the Sightseer Lounge car as "their" sleeping car!
True some people do fall asleep in the chairs. But most people do not bring pillows, blankets or sleeping bags with them - and most people who fall asleep do not take up 2 or 3 seats, sleep on the floor or have their feet in the aisle!

We have a name for those people - "Lounge Lizards"!

I myself sometimes like to go to the Sightseer during the middle of the night, just to see the lights go by. Sometimes, I can't even find a seat - because they're all taken be "Lizards"!
I do this. Why? Because 1. NO ONE is at the sightseer lounge at night, and no one is around at 7 in the morning.
The lounge is serving until midnight. I am usually in there for final call... And if I am not in a sleeper I can bring my computer in and work at night. And I do this, especially on the CL when I get off too early in the night to sleep.

It's a rude and selfish habit, but thats not the reason it should be outright banned. It is a wonderful safety issue, the ailes need to be kept clear of people, bags, and blankets. If the train needs to be evacuated then it is likely that a hundred people will need to get through that lounge, and even if you get out fine your blankets and broomsticks risk tripping other people.
One thing that I myself consider rude is all the coach passengers that use the Sightseer Lounge car as "their" sleeping car!
True some people do fall asleep in the chairs. But most people do not bring pillows, blankets or sleeping bags with them - and most people who fall asleep do not take up 2 or 3 seats, sleep on the floor or have their feet in the aisle!

We have a name for those people - "Lounge Lizards"!

I myself sometimes like to go to the Sightseer during the middle of the night, just to see the lights go by. Sometimes, I can't even find a seat - because they're all taken be "Lizards"!

I have been guilty of this in the past as well. But in fairness most people are not so interested in seeing a dark sky pass them by. Though I admit this is rude will try not doing that in the future. Again rule #1 dont tick off the_traveler! :cool:

An alternative would be to ask the OBS if you can take a nap in a set of seats in another coach car. They tend to be good about this and will tell you where it's best to do so.
One thing that I myself consider rude is all the coach passengers that use the Sightseer Lounge car as "their" sleeping car!
True some people do fall asleep in the chairs. But most people do not bring pillows, blankets or sleeping bags with them - and most people who fall asleep do not take up 2 or 3 seats, sleep on the floor or have their feet in the aisle!

We have a name for those people - "Lounge Lizards"!

I myself sometimes like to go to the Sightseer during the middle of the night, just to see the lights go by. Sometimes, I can't even find a seat - because they're all taken be "Lizards"!
I do this. Why? Because 1. NO ONE is at the sightseer lounge at night, and no one is around at 7 in the morning.
The lounge is serving until midnight. I am usually in there for final call... And if I am not in a sleeper I can bring my computer in and work at night. And I do this, especially on the CL when I get off too early in the night to sleep.

It's a rude and selfish habit, but thats not the reason it should be outright banned. It is a wonderful safety issue, the ailes need to be kept clear of people, bags, and blankets. If the train needs to be evacuated then it is likely that a hundred people will need to get through that lounge, and even if you get out fine your blankets and broomsticks risk tripping other people.
Are we talking about the Superliner Sightseers? Because the way I sleep, there is no way I am blocking the aisles.
That's what they all say. Its always somebody else who's the bad apple that spoils the bunch.

Fact is that bunch has been sitting there rotting for months.
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That's what they all say. Its always somebody else who's the bad apple that spoils the bunch.

Fact is that bunch has been sitting there rotting for months.
There is no possible way I can physically block the aisle. Scientifically impossible.

Well, I guess WHERE you sleep in the sightseer car matters.
I did not realize that this was a hot button topic. I thought that we may want to meet other folks and interact with people. That was the main reason I was asking about moving about. We were not interested in being a hermits and camping out in the bedroom. I guess we will have to just feel this one out. Thanks again for the info----
Keep in mind that you're going spend close to 6 hours sitting in the dining car. Throw in a walk or two on the platform at longer train stops. Spend a few hours in your room and a few hours in the Sightseer Lounge and you've already got considerable variaty.

You can of course always walk through the coaches just to see what they look like and for excercise.

Finally, if indeed the coaches don't look to be packed, then you can always try asking an attendant if you can sit there for a while. Do make sure that you have your sleeper ticket stubs with you, just in case a conductor comes by and asks for your tickets, since those seats won't be marked as having had tickets collected. Meet the right attendant and you'll get permission. Meet the wrong one and they'll say no. It'll be luck of the draw.

The key is to ask an employee, don't just take a seat.

Ps. You can also ask a conductor, but I suspect that you might have better luck asking the coach attendant.
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There is no possible way I can physically block the aisle. Scientifically impossible.

Well, I guess WHERE you sleep in the sightseer car matters.
Maybe it's scientifically impossible for you, but not for many folks! I have seen many they curl up on the 2 sears, with their legs in the aisle, or sleeping on the floor under the seats (with their legs sticking out in the aisle)!

And I do understand situations like ALC has, where they get off in the middle of the night, but most times I see the same people at 10 PM as I do at 7 AM!

Besides, coach sears are MUCH more comfortable for sleeping than those in the sightseer, And they even dim the light in coach. (They do not in the Sightseer.)
I've discovered the Southwest Chief seems to be a haven for Lounge Lizards, as they blatantly start moving in about 9:30 or 10 with pillows and blankets in hand and by 11 have predatated most of the seats and floor space.[/b][/i].
You are correct. On a recent SWC trip, the Sightseer Lounge OBS guy told a group of card players to be quiet because others were trying to sleep. The guy dealing cards told him they didn't plan to quiet down and that the folks on the floor with sleeping bags, pillows and blankets weren't supposed to be there.

The OBS made no attempt to shag the sleepers out of the car and muttered an obscenity at the card dealer.
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I am truely sorry for the original question. I really did not know this would turn out to be a volital as it is. In retrospect the better question to have asked was where is a good place to go interact with other riders. I didn't know that sleeper car folks were really expected to stay in the sleeper when not traveling to the diner. If that is the way Amtrak travel is I am going to have to reconsider any other trips--
Ryan, some of the responses that have been given have led me to believe that. This is not personal to anyone---I have been a train enthusiast for a while. I have just reached that stage of life that let's us travel some. I was looking forward to the trip, but it seems that there is some things that are just unforgiveable. Aparently sitting in the wrong place at the wrong time of day is one of them. Meeting new people and possably making frends is something that was apealing to us. I work for an airline and have millions of flight miles traveled. Even on the long overseas trips it is just not possable to interact with other passangers. I don't know a lounge car from a sightseer, from a dome car from the toilet. That is why I searched and found this forum. I wanted to learn. From the responses I have to glean that it is unacceptable to sleep anywhere except for your coach seat or the sleeper. I never intended to get anyones ire up. It was an innocent question that seems to be drawing a lot of "spirited" responses--
Ryan, some of the responses that have been given have led me to believe that. This is not personal to anyone---I have been a train enthusiast for a while. I have just reached that stage of life that let's us travel some. I was looking forward to the trip, but it seems that there is some things that are just unforgiveable. Aparently sitting in the wrong place at the wrong time of day is one of them. Meeting new people and possably making frends is something that was apealing to us. I work for an airline and have millions of flight miles traveled. Even on the long overseas trips it is just not possable to interact with other passangers. I don't know a lounge car from a sightseer, from a dome car from the toilet. That is why I searched and found this forum. I wanted to learn. From the responses I have to glean that it is unacceptable to sleep anywhere except for your coach seat or the sleeper. I never intended to get anyones ire up. It was an innocent question that seems to be drawing a lot of "spirited" responses--
You are free to go hang out in the lounge car, and to eat in the diner. You can't ususually just go and sit in the diner outside meal times. Technically, you are not supposed to go sit in an open coach seat, but people do. I don't, personally. But you certainly can walk through the coaches to go look out the back, if you want.

As to the "Lounge Lizards." I don't much like it, but understand that people do it and it is not a huge deal. Can't remember a time when they took up ALL the space during the evening hours when the lounge was still serving, and I usually go for nightcap pretty close to closing.

Short answer, you are free to wander the train at will. There are restrictions to where you can sit though.
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