Posters and Signage around a station

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Jul 29, 2019
Greensboro, NC
My home station, Greensboro, NC is owned by the city. I think Southern sold the building to the city in 1979. NS/NCRR owns the track and platform.

So I was there yesterday and there is not a lot of signage in the station but there are a few posters about locations around the station and what steps to take to arrive to the platforms. And they are slightly wrong in that not all of the trains that use Greensboro are listed. A very minor point, but nevertheless, the information is not up to date.

I assume this is on Amtrak to fix, but it could be NC DOT or even the city of Greensboro. I have time on my hand to be anal retentive about this. Who should I contact? Maybe start with the ticket agent?