New talgos coming to pacific surfliner

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I heard from a very reliable source that no lease agreement has been signed yet.
That doesn't shock me. There's a lot of details to be worked out, especially with a train as entangled as the Wisconsin Talgos.
In the era of Trump it's hard to imagine almost anything shocking me anymore. Proud ignorance, crackpot theories, and wild eyed conspiracies have replaced critical reasoning, thoughtful consideration, and nuanced conclusions. It's like we're all being transported back to elementary school playground logic.
In the era of Trump it's hard to imagine almost anything shocking me anymore. Proud ignorance, crackpot theories, and wild eyed conspiracies have replaced critical reasoning, thoughtful consideration, and nuanced conclusions. It's like we're all being transported back to elementary school playground logic.
What, one might reasonably ask, does any of that have to do with the Talgo train sets?
In the era of Trump it's hard to imagine almost anything shocking me anymore. Proud ignorance, crackpot theories, and wild eyed conspiracies have replaced critical reasoning, thoughtful consideration, and nuanced conclusions. It's like we're all being transported back to elementary school playground logic.
What, one might reasonably ask, does any of that have to do with the Talgo train sets?
This Talgo purchase has been a pointless political football for years now. It may not have been the best possible use of funds but unilaterally dismantling the contract after the fact, casually throwing the purchase into perpetual disarray, and forfeiting millions of dollars in taxpayer penalties requires the willful abandonment of responsible stewardship. Unfortunately this event isn't some isolated incident where cooler heads simply failed to prevail. Instead this experience is becoming the new normal. Business as usual so to speak. And nobody seems to do a better job of championing this broken self-defeating mindset more than a certain candidate who has based most of his appeal and most of his vague emotion driven positions on how distrustful he is of anyone outside of his inner circle and how little he cares what anyone outside of his base thinks or knows.
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We do need to tread carefully to stay apolitical...

Though the comments are suggesting we may be going from (clinton)-demalcoholic buzz to a serious bout of D.T's...
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