liquid soap

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I realize this is an old thread, but since people were mentioning the old trope about cyanide and almonds earlier, I just thought I'd mention that this is a bit of a myth, or at least a misunderstanding. For some people (it's actually a genetic marker, so a significant % of people don't smell anything) cyanide smells like raw *bitter* almonds, which are a mutation of the standard "sweet" almonds that you universally will find in stores. They smell like cyanide for the logical reason that bitter almonds, in their raw state, actually contain small amounts of cyanide, and eating 20 or so would be lethal for an adult. So the smell isn't the "toasted almond" scent that soaps, etc, have, but more like the way amaretto or maraschino cherries smell (maraschino cherries are flavored with bitter almond oil). They taste something like biting into a peach pit would; extremely bitter.
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