LD Train Bedroom Question

Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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Jan 20, 2016
East San Diego County
Here is a question for those of you who book bedrooms on AMTRAK long distance trains. When the sleeping car attendant makes up your bed, do you prefer to have the head of the bed by the window or by the bedroom door? The standard way seems to be with the head of the bed by the window. Pat prefers to sleep with her head by the door and we usually have to ask our SCA to make up the bed that way. What is YOUR preference and why? (We’ll be interested to hear your comments.)

Eric & Pat
I like sleeping with my head near the door so I can look out the window. If I board a train late and the bed is already made, I switch it.
I am in a bedroom right now and when the attendant was getting ready to make my bed, I showed him where I wanted my head (next to door). To my surprise (and his), the mattress was made up and placed in the upper berth in that configuration. I also like extra pillows. Since I travel alone, I use all four (or three if that is all there is available) pillows.
BTW, I am looking out the window as I am typing. :)
I find it a little easier to get in and out of the top bunk when my feet are toward the window due to the necessary location of the ladder (which has to be between the sink counter and window). But that might not matter for someone who's smaller and more agile.