Is Mineta really this stupid?

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No. he is not stupid. It is more like the **** Propaganda Minister telling the German people everything is wonderfull while the German army is freezing and starving in Stalingrad.
Mineta is a puppet who is basically there to "mouth" the Bush line of idiosy. :angry:
Exactly right. Truth is irrelevant to this administration. Reality is whatever they say it is, period. Don't bother trying to confuse them with the facts. Their minds are made up and whatever anybody else thinks is irrelevant. Witness the continuing enactment of tax breaks for the rich while the deficit soars beyond belief. They are fiddling while Washington burns, while the dollar tanks and while the welfare and standard of living of the vast majority of Americans is about to be flushed down the commode. If you have the means to relocate to another country, this would be the time to do it, before the excrement really hits the ventilation machinery. If we could put just one sign up in the White House, it should be the quote from the old Pogo comic strip: "We have met the enemy, and he is US!" Itt would be the only truth in the whole building.
Did anyone read the report about the Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq that came out today? It furthers the thoughts in this tread about the White House not having a clue.
Let's not make this a political arguement, it's really not partisan, it's bi-partisan stupidity.

The question " is mineta stupid?" my answer is no, just miss guided and ignorant.

Misguided? Perhaps. Or maybe, he has no choice.

I don't doubt for a second that if he opposed the administration's plan, he'd be out the door. Maybe he's forced to go along with it (perhaps, for personal reasons, resigning isn't an option).
I really think he believes whats he's saying. At first I thought this whole thing would die out after a couple months. Mineta just doesnt give up...I dont think hes just going through the motions he;s on a mission.

These two articles still amaze me it really sums up this whole mess. Caltrain is saying "we cant run the system like this", then a week later Mineta using it as a great example of what all systems could be.

I wrote NARP last week and told them they should request to go on Lou Dobbs show on CNN. Dobbs would rip Mineta into shreds. I really think Gunn has been gagged. Gunn did two great interviews with Dobbs during the 2002 crisis. Dobbs is one of the few people on TV willing to call a spade a spade. Any Ideas?? Keep up the letters and the good work!
I don't think that Mineta's that stupid, he's actually a pretty smart man. I for one think that he realizes the nonsense that he's spouting about Amtrak. I can only believe that he feels that the rest of the work he's doing in the DOT is so important that he must sacrifice Amtrak and swallow the nonsensical Amtrak policy that those in control of the White House have shoved down his throat.
The following is a link to a brief history of Caltrain:

You have to remember that Caltrain serves the peninsula corridor, which was seriously financially impacted by the dot-com bust. Virtually all businesses in the area were affected by this. Other than that, Caltrain has done a very good job and should be considered a model for other commuter railroads to follow.

However, comparing Caltrain to Amtrak is a bit much.

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