Empire Builder near on-time last month. hoorah!

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NW cannonball

Jun 28, 2012
Hope this post don't jinx it, but --

Last discussion was that the (welcome,but delaying, track work) would wind down after October. Happened.

The On-Time performance of the EB last few weeks has been good,and compared to the last few years, it's amazing.

Factors are the completion of another billion or so dollars of track work by BNSF, and maybe a slowdown of the fracking boom.(still going strong but not increasing so fast as lately)

Love the EB timekeeping last month or so, whatever the causes.
I think Bakken production is down 3%, depending on how you count production. But the main point is that it is not rising as it has done almost nonstop since 2008.
I rode the EB over Thanksgiving and was monitoring its performance almost daily, and yes, I was pleasantly surprised too how well it has been keeping its schedule (except that one day when it hit a truck and got 16 hours delayed ouch!).

If things go well, can Amtrak consider shaving off some of the padding built into its schedule?
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