Email requesting feedback re AGR; legitimate?

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Amtrak Rider
Staff member
Gathering Team Member
Jul 5, 2009
Orlando, FL
Today I received an email from Northstar Research purportedly at the request of Amtrak Guest Rewards with a link to provide feedback regarding AGR. It went to my spam folder, so I was immediately suspicious.

I phoned AGR (Select Executive number) and the agent with whom I spoke had no idea whether this email is legitimate.

I have forwarded the email to an acquaintance who works for Amtrak asking if the email is legitimate. I have not heard back yet, but I forwarded the email after working hours today.

Has anyone received this email? Does anyone know whether this is a legitimate survey?

Below is a portion of the text of the email (deleting the link to the survey):
Dear Amtrak Guest Rewards Member,

Amtrak is working with Northstar Research, an opinion research company, and the Logit Group to conduct an online survey about the Amtrak Guest Rewards program.

Because we value your insights and opinions, you have been selected to participate in this research study. Your comments in this survey are confidential and are extremely important to all of us at Amtrak.

We invite you to submit your feedback by July 22nd, 2019 at the following link:

Please note that this survey should only take approximately 10-12 minutes of your time to complete. Your feedback will be instrumental in helping us improve our loyalty program. We sincerely appreciate your time and business, and look forward to your perspectives on Amtrak Guest Rewards.


Amtrak Market Research & Analysis Department
30th & Market Streets, Mailbox #11
Philadelphia, PA 19104
I can tell you that the mailing address is legit as I have mailed things to Amtrak's HR Department at 30th Street and they do use "Mailbox" as a mailing address. As for the survey? I'm not sure, so you're doing the right thing by holding off. :)
I got the same email, too. I'm thinking it's probably legit, mainly due to its having my full name, rather than my 'screen name' of bratkinson. All the scam emails I've gotten are always addressed to my screen name. The only way they could have gotten my full name is from AGR or some other site that has my full name.

But, given that I don't usually do surveys (yes, I DID sign up for that 'survey site' that gives AGR points, but they usually didn't want my responses as I'm retired. So I gave up after a couple of weeks), I deleted it.

One of my other reasons for not doing the survey is they DO have my name. I'll do anonymous surveys, but not one that knows who I am. I recently moved a sizable chunk of money to a new financial site and the day after it was completed, I got a 'you will remain anonymous, we will not disclose your name' survey from them with my full name and account number at the top of the survey screen. It was immediately deleted. A couple days later, I got a paper survey from them with the same guarantee of anonymity and there, big as day, was my name and account number on the top of the first page. Trash time.
I have gotten a similar survey after taking a trip by train ... the survey I received was from the same people (Northstar Research) but had to do with riding the train, not AGR.
I may or may not have written several paragraphs of rant in the "what else would you like us to know about AGR" box on the final page. ;)