CZ Galesburg Drug Busts

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Secondary smoke is the main issue with cigarettes. Research shows that this harms people who are in the area not smoking. I don't know what the research says about secondary marijuana smoke. I assume there are issues there too.
Secondary marijuana smoke certainly stopped the Roman soldiers pursuing Gregory Hines and Mel Brooks in their chariots in History of the World, Part 1
I am inclined to go for something as a flag other than how I buy my ticket. I have been know on quite a few occasions to buy one way tickets with cash mainly to avoid credit card usage and uncertainty of time of return trip or alternate methods of transportation in one direction. I DO NOT want Big Brother watching me. Maybe I remain unbothered because I am past 60, although that does not seem to keep from getting the full potential terrorist treatment in airports.
I think as soon as you show your ID there is some sort of background check even at this level of transportation. These guys were carrying 13 lbs. of illegal drugs. Like the guy with the cast there are some lights that go on in any station or airport.

I'd like to comment on Sarah Z comment on perfume. I've been quite aware of my opinion of this since I took my first city bus ride over 60 years ago. Is it an attraction, or a repellant, Or a masking? I personally would rather put up with any other human odor. JMO
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There are some perfumes and colognes I enjoy, but the trick is moderation. So few people know how to apply it correctly and effectively. Additionally, smokers will often reapply after smoking because they're convinced it covers up the smell (it doesn't).

I will say that, other than young men wearing Axe, I very rarely encounter a man wearing too much cologne or aftershave. There was only one time in all of my years of traveling that I can remember a man wearing too much cologne, and that was a gentleman wearing something musk on our flight from SFO to ORD.

It could also be that I notice perfume much more easily, as many of the scents give me an asthma attack, but I really do think women simply apply too much and too often. Colognes (other than musk) don't bother my asthma or give me that "cloying" feeling; I wonder if it's the chemical makeup? Maybe there's a difference? I actually really enjoy the smell of cologne and aftershave. Maybe it's psychological? Maybe it's the scent itself? I'm not sure.
This entire tread is moderation and I have to admit that there have been scents that have caught my attention.
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