Black mesh in upper roomette bunk

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Train Attendant
Mar 8, 2012
Hi all,

I just got off a cross-country trip on the Capitol Limited and the Southwest Chief, and something bugged me the whole way.

No, it wasn’t the flex dining—it was surprisingly edible, though I will be happy to see the return of traditional dining. But I digress.

In the upper bunk of my Superliner roomette, there’s a black mesh…bag?…strung along a stretchy bit of rope that’s anchored on each side wall of the roomette.

I can’t for the life of me figure out what the purpose of this black mesh is.

I have long since figured out the pleather pouch for storage of phone, wallet, etc., and the seatbelt-material harness for preventing falls out of bed.

Can anyone shed some light on why the black mesh is there?
Uh do you have a picture? I would think it's a bigger thing for storage but not sure
Hi all,

I just got off a cross-country trip on the Capitol Limited and the Southwest Chief, and something bugged me the whole way.

No, it wasn’t the flex dining—it was surprisingly edible, though I will be happy to see the return of traditional dining. But I digress.

In the upper bunk of my Superliner roomette, there’s a black mesh…bag?…strung along a stretchy bit of rope that’s anchored on each side wall of the roomette.

I can’t for the life of me figure out what the purpose of this black mesh is.

I have long since figured out the pleather pouch for storage of phone, wallet, etc., and the seatbelt-material harness for preventing falls out of bed.

Can anyone shed some light on why the black mesh is there?
In the old days, they were used to hold any Clothing ( ie Robe, ) that you didn't want to sleep in.

During the days that Baseball teams used to travel by Train, the Veterans would tell Rookies it was to put your arm in while you slept so it wouldn't get sore!😄( Rookies and Non-Starters always got the Uppers in the Sections)
Not my picture, but you can see it in this photo—right in front of the pleather bag.
When I travel in roomette and sleep up there, I use that pouch to hold my glasses, book, phone, and reading headlamp. It's very handy.