Another Northwest Loop Trip

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Sep 9, 2006
Colfax, WA (CFX)
I left on Tuesday, June 21st, on a Northwest Loop trip, as I call them, Spokane-Seattle-Portland-Spokane. I began this trip on the 20th, as I always do, nervously watching the Status maps, all the more so because I know how late the EB had been. Also, I had gotten an automated call from Amtrak saying that my return trip from Portland was going to be by alternative transportation (meaning bustitution). I then got a call from a real live Amtrak agent, Barbara, who asked if I'd gotten a call from Amtrak, and saying that in addition to the Portland bustitution, there would be a bus available on-time (2:15AM) to take me to Seattle. When I asked if the hours-late train was going to run through to Seattle, she seemed shocked that I'd ask, and didn't know the answer. A few minutes later, she did say that it would. She couldn't understand why I'd want to take a late train instead of being on-time into Seattle by bus!! I had no connections to make in Seattle, and I'd much rather be on the train.

Unlike usual, when the train is on-time, this time I got a short nap in before heading to the Spokane station, an hour away. I left my home at little after 3AM, just as the eastern sky was beginning to lighten up. Because I didn't know how many breakfast items would still be available (if any) due to the lateness of the train (estimated into Spokane 5 1/2 hrs late, which it was), I had breakfast at Denny's in Spokane before making my way to the station. When I got to the station, when I walked inside, I saw two things that put me in a full-bore panic. 1) the Quik-Trak was out of order 2) the ticket counter was seemingly closed! Oh crap!!! :eek: :eek: Oh no!!!! :eek: :eek: Oh something I can't say on a family forum! :eek: :eek: :eek: I hadn't picked up my tickets yet!!!! The ticket office hours are 10:30 PM to 5:30 AM, and I had thought that due to the lateness of the EB the hours would be extended. So after several panic attacks, I got hold of myself and put the blame squarely where it belonged: On AU, for its members advising people never pick up tickets until the day you leave!!! :angry: :p :lol: As it turned out, I did find someone at the counter (it wasn't closed, but the gate had been pulled down) and he also reset the Qwik-Trak machine. He also tried to tell me I could have taken a bus, but I was having none of it. Crisis averted!

I settled down to wait, and a young man and his girlfriend were engaged in various displays of PDA. She was headed out on a 6:30 AM bus (the Spokane Amtrak station is also the Greyhound as well as other local bus carriers station) and he was headed to Portland on the EB enroute to California to visit family before heading for two weeks' training for the National Guard. They would occasionally go out to smoke and ask me to watch their bags. At one point, after the bus had left, he asked me again to watch his bag, as he was out of cigarettes and had to go across the street to buy more. Unfortunately for him, in the time he was gone 1) the EB finally came 2) they gave the boarding call for Seattle and 3) I was aboard. I wonder what the young man thought when he came back to see his bags unattended and me gone!?!?

Once I got on board, I headed for the first open window seat. Most of our coach (I was in the last car) was reserved for parties of two, and I got one of the few open seats available. This apparently Pi$$ed off a group of four or five men who had been playing cards in the station, as I messed up their seating arrangement. Ya snooze, Ya lose! I was the first one on the train. These guys were apparently newbies, as they were quite upset to find there was no lounge car on the train. It of course was going to Portland while we had the diner. They thought it was the dumbest thing they'd ever heard of and were sure they were stuck on an 8 hour train with no food or beverage service until it was explained to them that the last couple of tables in the diner served as a lounge. Even then, they were unhappy and would "have to rethink this Amtrak thing!" Newbies, I thought to myself, ya gotta love 'em! :lol: :lol: :lol:

The consist was:

2 engines

baggage car

3 sleepers


2 coaches

I was in the rear so had easy access to the railfans' window at the rear. We left at 7:45, 5 1/2 hrs late. I didn't mind this and in fact thought it was great to be able to see the whole route in daylight. The first few hours out of Spokane are usually in darkness and it was interesting to see this area from the perspective of the EB during the day. The card sharks finally shut up long enough to go to the diner and use the lounge portion, as it was announced that they would be keeping the lounge service open until Everett. Eric was our car attendant, very helpful and attentive. One lady had gotten off in Spokane and grabbed the wrong bag, the owner of which was going to Seattle, and Eric handled this situation expertly by getting ahold of the lady, having her bring the bag back to Spokane, where it would be shipped out to Seattle. That crisis was solved to everyone's satisfaction.

As we made our way along, the passengers who had been on the train a long time were in good spirits considering how late the train was. At one point someone asked Eric when we'd be in Seattle and he replied we'd be there about 2 or so. Let's see: 6 hrs and 15 minutes to make a trip usually scheduled for 8 hrs and 10 minutes........I don't think so. He was, as I said, great throughout. The conductor, Leonard, not so much. He had a little, but not much of a personality, and didn't overexert himself, seemingly. As for the dining car crew......well, that's another story completely. At Wenatchee, the card sharks returned, madder than old wet hens. Even though it was clearly announced the lounge service would be open until Everett, they closed it down before Wenatchee. They had a good point here. Evidently they'd gotten into it over this. I'd had my own issues with them. I went to the diner to get a diet Pepsi or bottled water, whichever was available. I got to the car and Leonard was shuffling papers, and told me to wait as the dining car attendant would help me. I stood there........and stood there.........and stood there......until finally Leonard let her know I was there. I still stood there...........and stood there.........and stood there.......until finally she sauntered over to me, informed me there was no bottled water OR diet Pepsi left, and so I had to settle for apple juice. It's far too high in carbs for me, but my other alternative was to drink the foul tap water (which the attendant actually suggested!) I handed her a 10 dollar bill for a $1.75 cup of juice, whereupon Miss Noservicewhatsoever said she couldn't make change and the dining car steward would have to make change. So I stood there........and stood there.........and stood there. Finally, in approximately the same amount of time it took for the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, the steward got my change. I guess they thought I'd be nice and tell them to keep the change. Not on your life!!! And to top it all off, a woman came in after me, asked for a diet Pepsi, and the steward said "Sure!!!! No problem!!!!!!" :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:

This is getting long, so I will continue in another topic.......Stay tuned!
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