Amtrak looking better again due to gas prices

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OBS Chief
Nov 21, 2004
Here we go again with the gas. Earlier in the week it was $3.59. Then $3.89, $3.99 and now $4.25-$4.29. Did any of our gas refineries or such get hit like they were wondering? Anyway, I am glad I booked our Amtrak when I did. Maybe their prices will change also?
I haven't heard. But I do know that most (all?) of the refineries along the Houston Ship Channel closed! (And that is IIRC 90% of them in the US! :eek: )

I paid $3.45 when I filled up a few days ago. I hate to think what it is now! :eek:

At least Amtrak doesn't have those stupid "fuel surcharges" like the airlines and cruises. "We are not raising our fares!" (But we still have to pay $$ more. I wonder how much these surcharges dropped when the fuel prices dropped? :huh: )
Someone's gas went down today? Ours went up. Not all went over the four dollar mark but it probably will.
Okay where does everyone live? We are in Peoria, Illinois. I guess the land of big ripoffs.
I dunno what you dudes are talking about. I've just paid less than $4/gallon for ULS diesel fuel for the first time in forever. And I'm upset about this too. *wants higher fuel prices*
It's anywhere from $4-$4.59 here in the Columbia SC area. I've been told that some places around here might actually run out of gas. When I filled up yesterday, there was a $50 limit ($75 had been marked off and $50 written beside it). Later yesterday one of my friends told me that a gas station was limiting fill ups to 10 gallons per vehicle.
Whoops not holding steady... noticed it dropped to $3.48 this morning. I guess in response to oil dropping to $98. :lol:
In the UK where I am it's £1.27 a litre, that $2.27 a litre at todays exchange rate. But you guys price in gallons? So that would be about $8.60 a US gallon

Thank god I don't have a car :D
We are experiencing very high rising fuel prices in Alabama due to hurricane Ike shutting down production. In Tuscaloosa it went from $3.49 to $4.29 in less than 8 hrs, with gas reaching as high as $6.21 in a few areas of Birmingham.
In the UK where I am it's £1.27 a litre, that $2.27 a litre at todays exchange rate. But you guys price in gallons? So that would be about $8.60 a US gallon
But the UK has a wonderful, well developed public transit system, with both rail, bus, and short airflights. I know that I can get from any town, to any town using just public transit (except, maybe, parts of the highlands)

Much of that largely funded by the massive taxes on gasoline in the UK.

I'm not sure the US, which due to its highway infrastructure, could sustain gasoline prices that high.

Fortunetly, though, riding Amtrak to work is an easy sell to my wife, since I can take the train at 25% the cost in gas alone for my car. Probobly takes it down to 10-15% if you cound wear/parts
Well our ripoff gas is starting to go down today from $4.26 to $4.05 to $3.99 at one.

For the gas station charging $6, they are ripping off the public majorly.
They're also helping when you're trying to get into the bigger cities from outside- I'd kill myself if I had to drive into New York from Ohio...

I'm just hoping they don't trash the Capitol Limited- it's the only way in unless you want to drive two hours to Cleveland or Pittsburgh. Though the Capitol is a great workhorse- never miss a train that isn't dragging something on it's ass...
Well now the gas is $3.97 at the same place that was $4.25 over the weekend. Amazing huh?
Well our ripoff gas is starting to go down today from $4.26 to $4.05 to $3.99 at one.
For the gas station charging $6, they are ripping off the public majorly.
Well when asked why so high, the owner said it cost him over $5 for the gas, and he said he has a set formula for his profit and it equated to $6.21. but this was mainly due to the hurricane, then the fact that the station is in a crowded shopping district and its difficult to get a tanker to in the first place.
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