Why would this occur?

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Train Attendant
May 26, 2012
Refer to the video embedded below, then read the rest of this post.


A few minutes before this, Acela 2173 used the high-speed switch to transfer from track 1 to track 2. Then, Acela 2164 (this train) uses a high-speed switch to transfer from track 2 to track 1 and then back to track 2 after passing Kingston. Can anybody find a reason for this? All I can think of is that Amtrak was doing track work somewhere south of Kingston.
That's all I can think of also - track work.

BTW - Have you ever noticed that in OSB, the trains use and stop on the opposite tracks as normal?
I don't know if it is the same track numbering system, but southbound trains use track 2, not track 1. Northbound trains use track 1, not track 2! I almost got caught by this, but a southbound came thru on the inside track, and I had time to cross the bridge and get to the opposite side.

More FYI - The bridge overpass for people to cross the tracks at KIN is modeled after the bridge overpass at OSB!
That's all I can think of also - track work.

BTW - Have you ever noticed that in OSB, the trains use and stop on the opposite tracks as normal?
I don't know if it is the same track numbering system, but southbound trains use track 2, not track 1. Northbound trains use track 1, not track 2! I almost got caught by this, but a southbound came thru on the inside track, and I had time to cross the bridge and get to the opposite side.

More FYI - The bridge overpass for people to cross the tracks at KIN is modeled after the bridge overpass at OSB!
TBH, I have never been to OSB...so I don't know how the traffic patterns are there. I have seen some videos of OSB and I noticed how similar in design the overpasses are! It is nice to know that the design similarities aren't just coincidence.
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