Tricking a Tesla to drive with no one in the driver's seat

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@Devil's Advocate all very good points. The bottom line is Viewers beware. The internet world turns the relationships and roles among producer, consumer, customer and provider on its head, and often those that think are the customers are actually either raw material for the producer or the product being peddled to an actual customer, different from the naively perceived one. Consequently everything needs to be viewed with a certain level of skepticism pending verification of motives and actual intentions. Follow the money. Figure out who is getting paid for what. The rest is well, surface niceties. 🤷‍♂️
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Seems to me that if self driving happens at all it would be on limited access highways and would need modifications to these roads to provide definitive lane delineation, the existing white and yellow stripes subject to wear and being useless in conditions such as snowfall. Given that we have enough trouble just keeping the roads maintained in their current state, I'm not sure where the money to do this will come from. Fuel taxes will become less of a contribution to funding as hybrid and electric vehicles become more common.
On the other hand, I heard from independent owner-operators how tight the market is, how the rates they get are so low that they can't make a living, etc. Then there are the drayage truck operators (they people who drive the containers from the port to the distribution center) who are apparently really exploited. Aside from the fact that who wants to work tethered to a GPS monitor? I think if they truck lines paid well and had good working conditions, they'd have more people interested.
Along the lines of trucks. Anheuser-Busch has been running a self-driving 53' tractor-trailer from Ft. Collins, CO to Colorado Springs, CO of Budweiser for quite some time. There is a driver onboard but he does not necessarily sit behind the wheel and can be in the sleeper but awake. To the best of my knowledge there have not been any major issues so far.
Along the lines of trucks. Anheuser-Busch has been running a self-driving 53' tractor-trailer from Ft. Collins, CO to Colorado Springs, CO of Budweiser for quite some time. There is a driver onboard but he does not necessarily sit behind the wheel and can be in the sleeper but awake. To the best of my knowledge there have not been any major issues so far.
This is Scarey!🤪😵
This is Scarey!🤪😵
Here in Texas pedestrians, cyclists, and other drivers are permanently injured or even killed so that some psychopath can "make a point" against those who might slow them down. Has any self-driving vehicle ever been caught or even accused of such behavior? As part of my job I sometimes work around commercial and industrial vehicles that are driven so recklessly you'd think the driver had a lifelong death wish. Compared to that I'd choose imperfect antonymous vehicles any day of the week.
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