Train related toy for 17 month old

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Amtrak Rider
Staff member
Gathering Team Member
Jul 5, 2009
Orlando, FL
I would like to buy a train related toy for a friend's 17 month old son and I need some suggestions. I went on line and saw a Chicco Play N Ride Train that looks pretty cute. It is a bit expensive and some of the reviews state that it is not real sturdy. The 17 month old is pretty big - he is almost 30 pounds. I would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks.
I use 2X4 (non-pressure treated) and molding and a few parts from the local hobby shop to make wooden trains. I've actually just switched to all diesel models - after the scale 4-8-4 Northern I decided that I couldn't do anymore steam power with all the parts (unless I have children, and then it'll be back on the workbench).

These aren't like what I do, but in a year or so your friend's son might be ready for these: