swc best seats?!

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Train Attendant
Jun 13, 2014
whats the best area to sit and which side is the best? ahh still nervous about being at 8000 feet..hope I'm ok!
whats the best area to sit and which side is the best? ahh still nervous about being at 8000 feet..hope I'm ok!
I would think that either side would be good. If you really want to do the best sightseeing, go the the sightseer lounge. No bad seats there.

You'll be fine at 8000 feet, haha. I haven't heard of anyone getting altitude sickness on an Amtrak train before. Plus, if you've ever been on an airplane, the cabin is pressurized to 8000 feet, so if you were fine on a plane, you'll definitely be OK on a train.
definitely not going through Moffat on the cz. 8000 is my highest. thanks makes me feel better! and ty for the help with the seats
In general, I'd agree with previous posters who stated that the side of the train doesn't matter (at least on this particular route). As you go through the Raton Pass, I would say that the north side of the train (left side eastbound, right side westbound) has better scenery.
Also, by sitting on the north side of the train, you will have less sun shining in on you...especially in winter. Might be a consideration for comfort.
You're at 8000 feet on the SWC? I never noticed. After all, even at a higher altitude, it's still on the ground.
Wikipedia says it's 7834 feet, but the sign next to the tracks says 7588. IRRC, the highway nearby went through at a higher elevation than the train, so the tunnel could be a few hundred feet lower.

Wikipedia says it's 7834 feet, but the sign next to the tracks says 7588. IRRC, the highway nearby went through at a higher elevation than the train, so the tunnel could be a few hundred feet lower.
According to an old Santa Fe timetable, 7588 feet is the correct maximum elevation for the rail crossing of Raton Pass.
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