Superliner Sleeper - Coffee... hot water?

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Is the coffee service in the sleeper car strictly a coffee urn, or might it have hot water available for us tea drinkers? Thanks for any info.
It might depend on the model of coffee maker your particular car has installed (if any), but the ones I am familiar with, dispense hot water too. Plus, there should be a selection of tea bags with the coffee's sugar and creamers.
Any update on this question from 2008?

Now that it's 2017, do all Superliner Sleepers now have coffee machines? And do they also dispense decaf coffee, and hot water?
Just a metal coffee peculator type maker , no hot water or decaf. You can get hot water in the dining car.
The dining car and the lounge car are usually willing to provide hot water to sleeper passengers upon request, although a tip never hurts. Do bring your own tea/cocoa/soup, unless it's mealtime in the diner (when the dining car staff is usually willing to give you coffee or tea "to-go" as you finish your meal) or if you are willing to pay the posted menu price for hot drinks in the lounge car.
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The sleeper car attendant makes the coffee in the sleeper car, so it's a large coffee maker, not a a coffee dispensing machine that makes 1 serving at a time.

The last time I was in a Superliner sleeper (last October) the TA-SC (Train Attendant - Sleeper Car) said it took about 40 minutes to brew a full pot.
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For me, while having coffee is nice, having hot water for the option of making tea or decaf would be a good feature. l'm old enough to recall the glass water carboys in Pullman cars.
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My experience with seeking hot water for tea in the diner is that they don't want to deal with you when they're not open for business, and don't want you to bring your own mug or thermos at any time--at best, they'll provide a paper cup with hot water. Availability of hot water in the sleeping cars would be a big plus.
The Auto train does.

Hot water for washing hands is available at any lavatory sink in any type of car. Don't know if that's hot enough for tea or coffee brewing, though.
Hot water for washing hands is available at any lavatory sink in any type of car. Don't know if that's hot enough for tea or coffee brewing, though.
You really need boiling water to make coffee or tea properly. You might be able to get away with hot tap with instant crystal coffee.

Hot water for washing hands is available at any lavatory sink in any type of car. Don't know if that's hot enough for tea or coffee brewing, though.
In my admittedly very limited experience, it was more like baby-bath lukewarm and one would never be able to scald oneself with it, much less make tea.
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