Soldier Coming Home

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Train Attendant
Aug 31, 2007
My husband is returning from Kuwait/Iraq this week. Should he fly home from the outprocessing center OR should I ride down by train to pick him up and ride the train home :D ?
My husband is returning from Kuwait/Iraq this week. Should he fly home from the outprocessing center OR should I ride down by train to pick him up and ride the train home :D ?
What locations, doesn't matter, plan ahead in case of dely, we don't want you to be late!
The train would give you a chance to decompress. Your husband won't lack for a drink in the lounge car, methinks. B)

I've always regretted not taking the Broadway Limited back to Pittsburgh from Fort Dix. OTOH, as I remember at the time, US Air got me to the 'Burgh at 8:00p. The Broadway, I seem to recall, would have gotten me into the 'Burgh sometime in the middle of the night.

Now, of course, I can't take the Broadway Limited at all. Sigh.
... same route the "cabana boy" was on. The next time I'll keep a glass of ice on hand to hose him down ^_^ . (Deployments make wives a lot more aggressive!).

After settling down from that situation I found this board to be an informative and healthy diversion from the deployment stresses and something to look forward to for planning future trips. When filling in the blanks on those reunion type sites where all of your school mates hang out and am asked favorite travel issues, my favorite response is, "anywhere by Amtrak", next is "nowhere by plane".

"chance to decompress"

That's what I was thinking instead of bouncing into the house after coming to an abrupt end at the end of so much stress. I asked him what he thought as he re-entered the US (he's enroute and quite possibly Ft. Dix was a stop). He said that the shade under trees caught him off guard. I don't know how the travel to home of record is done and if Amtrak can be listed. It ought to be because it goes right by a number of military bases/forts/etc . (If I were a soldier going AWOL, I'd take Amtrak to get out of town :p .) As an aside, my husband was a 1st Sgt over drill sgts (DI) for a stint at Ft. Jackson, SC. It was common to have the law enforcement pick up AWOL soldiers walking down the interstate to get away from there... still dressed in uniform. Doesn't Amtrak go through Columbia, SC?

Sometime very very soon a train trip is going to happen. He said, "no more sand".

If you've ever spent time outside the US, you know how strong the desire is to kiss the ground when you get back here.

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