Senator Dorgan quote about Amtrak

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Train Attendant
Jun 12, 2008
Fargo, ND
ND Senator Byron Dorgan, one of the most senior Senators in the country, had a quote about Amtrak and the restoring of their funding despite Bush's budget in a separate article ( You may need to register for it, but here's the part about Amtrak:

Dorgan also worked with his Senate colleagues to restore funding for Amtrak that was slashed in the President’s budget. The President proposed cutting funding for Amtrak to only $800 million, an amount that would have forced the company to shut down long-distance routes such as the Empire Builder. The Empire Builder serves Fargo, Grand Forks, Devils Lake, Rugby, Minot, Stanley and Williston.
“There are some who would prefer to have Amtrak shut down all its lines except for those that run up and down the east coast. That doesn’t make any sense to me,” Dorgan said. “Every year more than 114,000 North Dakotans used the Empire Builder. Amtrak is an important part of our transportation network. This funding will make sure these trains keep rolling.”
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