Schwarzenegger: California Must Build High-speed Rail

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OBS Chief
Jan 5, 2006
Västerbotten, Sweden
Apologies if it's already been posted, but more good words from the big man...


California Must Build High-speed Rail System, Says Gov. Schwarzenegger
Source: Office of the Governor, May 06, 2007

SYNOPSIS: The High-Speed Rail Authority, the commission in charge of developing a plan for high speed rail in California, estimates the cost of building the system to be more than $40 billion.

As the recent Bay Area freeway collapse illustrated -- and as a recent Bee editorial correctly pointed out -- Californians need and deserve a diverse array of transportation options. I absolutely believe high-speed rail should be one of those alternatives.
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Interesting, it was looking like the Govenator was trying to kill HSR in CA there for a while: but as is always the case in the US there are no or few forward thinkers. Just bean counters who need a major catastrophy to get off their behinds and do somthing.
California Must Build High-speed Rail System, Says Gov. Schwarzenegger
Source: Office of the Governor, May 06, 2007

SYNOPSIS: The High-Speed Rail Authority, the commission in charge of developing a plan for high speed rail in California, estimates the cost of building the system to be more than $40 billion.
:eek: What? the same guy that was going to kill funding design work? How did I manage to miss the reversal of direction of rotation of the planet? This announcement seems to be on the same level of improbability! Maybe it got squeezed out of the news by that much more important story: Paris Hilton actually doing time for drunk driving.
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Come on guys. Isn't California the leading state in the nation in funding intercity rail transit? Aren't all of the corridor services in California funded either 100% by the state or about 67% by the state (Pacific Surfliner). And despite the near bankrupt condition of the state when Governor Schwarzenegger took over, did he not fully fund all these services and make his cuts elsewhere? It seems to me that he has proven himself to be a supported of passenger rail from day one unlike some more liberally credentialed politicians in the East who squeal like a stuck pig if even a suggestion is made that states contribute to the NEC.

Support for or against high speed rail in California may have more to do with the boondoggle aspect than anything else. But the Governor's support for passenger rail is proven.
Come on guys. Isn't California the leading state in the nation in funding intercity rail transit? Aren't all of the corridor services in California funded either 100% by the state or about 67% by the state (Pacific Surfliner). And despite the near bankrupt condition of the state when Governor Schwarzenegger took over, did he not fully fund all these services and make his cuts elsewhere? It seems to me that he has proven himself to be a supported of passenger rail from day one unlike some more liberally credentialed politicians in the East who squeal like a stuck pig if even a suggestion is made that states contribute to the NEC.
Support for or against high speed rail in California may have more to do with the boondoggle aspect than anything else. But the Governor's support for passenger rail is proven.
Like all governors for the past several decades, Schwarzenegger is running a huge deficit - larger, in fact, than that of Gray Davis. California is the parallel universe to the rest of the country, because here in CA, it's the Democrats rather than the Republicans who seem to have a grasp of balancing fiscal responsibility with providing necessary services (the last governor to balance California's budget was Jerry Brown, and since Davis was the only Democrat since then, he was stuck with the unwinnable task of cleaning up the mess left by Pete Wilson, Deukmajian, and others...BTW, I'm not a member of either party, so don't think I'm some kind of DNC cheerleader.
Come on guys. Isn't California the leading state in the nation in funding intercity rail transit? Aren't all of the corridor services in California funded either 100% by the state or about 67% by the state (Pacific Surfliner). And despite the near bankrupt condition of the state when Governor Schwarzenegger took over, did he not fully fund all these services and make his cuts elsewhere? It seems to me that he has proven himself to be a supported of passenger rail from day one unlike some more liberally credentialed politicians in the East who squeal like a stuck pig if even a suggestion is made that states contribute to the NEC.
Support for or against high speed rail in California may have more to do with the boondoggle aspect than anything else. But the Governor's support for passenger rail is proven.
I think people are referring to articles like this.

Whatever his record, it had been reported that...

"Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has called for an indefinite delay in next year's high-speed rail bond measure and proposed a budget that guts the California High-Speed Rail Authority"
I think people are referring to articles like this.
Whatever his record, it had been reported that...

"Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has called for an indefinite delay in next year's high-speed rail bond measure and proposed a budget that guts the California High-Speed Rail Authority"
Yes, assuming that the article linked is the source of the quote. When I go for it I am asked for identity and password, and I simply do not go to on-line newspapers that demand that as a matter of principle. Te me it is like being asked to identify yourself before being allowed to read the headlines in the newstand window or plunk down your 50 cents or whatever to buy the thing. It is an invasion of privacy. And it seems that the papers that get most excited about that sort of stuff are the worst offenders. There is a one word description of that action: HYPOCRICY

I think people are referring to articles like this.
Whatever his record, it had been reported that...

"Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has called for an indefinite delay in next year's high-speed rail bond measure and proposed a budget that guts the California High-Speed Rail Authority"
Yes, assuming that the article linked is the source of the quote. When I go for it I am asked for identity and password, and I simply do not go to on-line newspapers that demand that as a matter of principle. Te me it is like being asked to identify yourself before being allowed to read the headlines in the newstand window or plunk down your 50 cents or whatever to buy the thing. It is an invasion of privacy. And it seems that the papers that get most excited about that sort of stuff are the worst offenders. There is a one word description of that action: HYPOCRICY

It seems to open fine for me, no password required (although there are boxes for one). The quote is in fact there.
Yes, of course he is a politician, but generally they can be fairly predicible, if for no better reason than the old, I believe it was Mayor Daley description: "An honest politician is one who stays bought after you pay him off." That is to say to cross your under the table supporters is usually political suicide.

Ran across this easy to access item:

05/05/2007 - Governor Schwarzenegger has suddenly endorsed the concept of a high speed rail system in California, and supporters believe voters will soon get the chance to decide if it will become a reality.
After being pushed off the ballot in 2004 by Governor Davis, and 2006 by Governor Schwarzenegger, high speed rail is slated to be on the 2008 ballot, and this time may have the governor's support.

In a letter the Governor sent to the Fresno Bee, he said "I strongly support high speed rail for California, and especially for the San Joaquin Valley."

The governor says the recent truck crash that shut down a Bay Area freeway helps make the case for high speed rail. He notes it would also reduce traffic congestion, cut air pollution and create 300 thousand jobs.

State Legislators are also getting on board. A delegation looked at French high speed trains last month and Assembly member Fiona Ma of San Francisco was one of the passengers when the French train set a speed record last month.

Costa and other supporters say despite the high costs, the trains should more than pay for themselves.

Pourvahidi says "if you look at what's going on in Japan, and France and Germany their high speed train system well exceeds their operating costs."

The measure on the 2008 ballot would allow the state to sell ten billion dollars in bonds for the L.A. to Fresno to San Francisco phase.
Hmm. Maybe I will be moving back to the US to work.
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