Quick Trip Report on the Zephyr, Mostly Diner Related

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Oct 21, 2015
At the start of the month I traveled from Sacramento to Chicago on the Zephyr. I had a roomette, and for the most part the trip was lovely.

- Snow in the Sierras , Looking Down on Donner Lake with Snow surrounding it was just beatiful.

- Cottonwood Trees in the Ruby Canyon were at their peak. Bright gold trees in front of the red canyon walls were spectacular.

-Lots of Wildlife sightings, 2 small herds of elk, antelope, several groups of deer, a flock of turkeys, a lone big horn sheep, and a couple bald eagles.

- snow in the Rockies

Had a good Sleeper Attendant, he was fairly new, but was friendly and did a nice job.

Met several nice people, travelers from Australia, New Zealand, and China. A nice man moving from the Bay area to Nebreska, and a man traveling from his home in Colorado to a wedding in Chicago.

Train kept good time, no major delays and we were on time into Chicago.

The negatives were in.. the dining car of course!

The LSA made several bossy announcements. Her first several annoncements were to inform sleeping car passengers that "alcahol and gratuity are not included in your sleeping car ticket" and then proceeded to tell us exactly how we needed to fill out the forms. This announcement was made multiple times, and in a pretty bossy tone.

On the last day into Chicago, she made a first call for Lunch at 10:28 AM Central Time, and a Last Call for lunch at 11:00 AM Central Time, and also told everyone that it would be an abbreviated Lunch with only the Burgers, and Kids Menu items available. The Zephyr doesn't arrive into Chicago until 2:50!

The food was prepared quite good, but there were no real attempts at presentation. My tiramisu was served with the plastic cover still on... I mean I know it comes pre prepared but at least TRY to present it nicely!

Our waiter, was great, very nice man.
Sounds like a great trip on a fantastic route except for Eva Braun the LSA! No real excuse for starting lunch so early and then ending it so quick except for making up rules as you go!

Please call Customer Relations and let them know about this bossy control freak, they need restraining or de-training!( and the good DCA and Server also!)
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Same here. A recent RT from the Midwest to Denver reminded me the train is the only civilized way to go. Then there was the diner on the eastbound return.

My complaint was that we were woken up at 7:00AM (6:00AM Denver time after a 3 hour late departure) with the loud announcement that everyone would have to come to the diner within 5 minutes to get their name on the waiting list or miss breakfast. For this rogue operation I scored a $175 transportation certificate. And with a clear conscience too. If I have provide the QA function, I expect to get paid.

They also pulled the abbreviated lunch stunt even though, as I mentioned, they were about 3 hours late.
If the meal is served too early for you in the dining car, why not order it to go or have your SCA deliver to you in your roomette and eat it later when hungry? Problem solved imo--I've done this several times.
I have to echo the dining car problems... On my last Zephyr trip eastbound, they "forgot" to announce the early lunch times and so I went without their lunch... I always have emergency food and water rations when on the train... but a shoddy effort I felt.

Time Amtrak went with the Indian notion of a "complaints book" in every coach and sleeper, perhaps. :p

Ed. :cool: