Missouri River Runner?

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Service Attendant
Jan 26, 2013
Never heard of this train until this morning. Trying to get from Gallup NM to St Louis. There is less than an hour wait between Southwest Chief and switching to Missouri River runner. Anyone here have experience with this route?
I saw this train parked for the night in Kansas City during our fresh air stop on the SWC headed for LA. I'd not heard of it either and had to look it up as to what I'd just taken a picture of. Apparently it'd been parked there for the night having made it's last run of the day from St. Louis.

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It's a Missouri funded corridor with two round trips per day.
The train itself is similar to other Midwest corridor trains and operates using Horizon and Amfleet equipment - it just happens to be the one Midwest corridor that does not radiate out from Chicago.

East of Jefferson City, the route follows the Missouri River for a while (hence the name), which is fairly scenic.

As far as making the connection, if the Southwest Chief is late and you miss the connection to the morning train, you'd probably be re-ticketed for the afternoon train.
Are 303/313 and 314/304 the same train or is a transfer required in STL between the Lincoln Service and Missouri River Runner? They show an arrow between one train to the other so there must be some "link" between the two. Will they hold one for the other?
Are 303/313 and 314/304 the same train or is a transfer required in STL between the Lincoln Service and Missouri River Runner? They show an arrow between one train to the other so there must be some "link" between the two. Will they hold one for the other?
I think the sets are interchangeable, as the River Runner doesn't cycle through Chicago normally.
Are 303/313 and 314/304 the same train or is a transfer required in STL between the Lincoln Service and Missouri River Runner? They show an arrow between one train to the other so there must be some "link" between the two. Will they hold one for the other?
To the best of my knowledge, they do not run through STL - Lincoln Service trains and Missouri River Runner trains are both turned at STL and run back to CHI and KCY, respectively. In past years, they did run through STL, but I believe that ended a few years ago.
Up until 2009/2010 these train were know as the mules. A contest was held to get the new name.
The morning train from STL to KCY and the afternoon train from KCY to STL were known as the (Kansas City and St. Louis) Mules. The morning train from KCY to STL (that at one time continued to CHI) and the afternoon train from STL to KCY (that at one time originated in CHI) were known as the Ann Rutledge.
I have always enjoyed my trips along this route. Would be nice to see this corridor expanded eastward to Indianapolis. There has been no direct service, STL-IND, going on 37 years.
One of my favorite rides. Last time we rode it, a freight train in front of us broke down so we were bused the last 15 miles to K.C. but still a very nice trip. It is a short enough ride to make coach ok. We had a great time getting to know the folks around us while a little 2 year old kept us all entertained.
As I was saying... the WWI memorial in K.C. is a one of a kind in the U.S. and well worth a visit. The KC. Art museum is also top notch.
The morning train from STL to KCY and the afternoon train from KCY to STL were known as the (Kansas City and St. Louis) Mules. The morning train from KCY to STL (that at one time continued to CHI) and the afternoon train from STL to KCY (that at one time originated in CHI) were known as the Ann Rutledge.
A bit of trivia. The Ann Rutledge name was borrowed from GM&O's STL - CHI streamliner.

I never liked the St. Louis Mule and Kansas City Mule names; and not just because it was the only Amtrak train with different eastbound and westbound names. After all, it's not the Chicago Zephyr and Cal. Zephyr. But more to the point, there's no such thing as a STL or KCY mule, but Missouri mules are world famous.
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