Michigan Central Station and Amtrak?

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Nov 24, 2009
Hillsborough, NJ
Michigan Central Station was once a hub of activity in Detroits Corktown area. It was an Amtrak stop until around 1987 when the railroad pulled out, left the station unused and it closed. During its years of abandonment thieves stripped out just about every wire, plumbing pipe and it was heavily vandalized. Finally the Ford Motor Company came to the rescue and saved this magnificent building from the wrecking ball. It will be a billion dollar investment to restore the building to its former glory but I read that completion may only be a year or less away. Tracks still run behind the building and IMO it might be easy restoring train service there. It could be a win win for Ford, Amtrak and for passengers traveling to Detroit. That building was built to be a beautiful station and just needs a train. I just wonder if Amtrak would approach Ford and consider restoring service there.
Michigan Central Station
I agree with you, but I believe the subject was covered at length in a previous thread (which I can't find right now). It was also discussed in a thread about a proposed service from Detroit (probably originating in Chicago) to Toronto. The use of this station is important since the CP tunnel access is nearby.
After reading the comments on both this and the 2022 thread, it is likely that Michigan Central Station may not see passenger train service anytime soon. For those that have seen this magnificent structure there appears to be plenty of space there. I would guess that Ford might appreciate a tenant for the ground level floor but time will tell.
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