Lost a Friend

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May 8, 2011
(I wasn't sure where to put this, so please feel free to move it.)

I'm not a spiritual person, but I was hoping everyone could please keep my friend in their thoughts and prayers. Any mojo is good mojo, I figure.

He passed away over the weekend; it was quite sudden and shocking. I've been out-of-sorts for the past few days, so please bear with me if any of my responses or discussion sound like they were written while drunk. I'm just unbelievably tired and drained, which creates the same lack of ability to speak English and form a coherent thought. I feel like a dishrag that someone has wrung out over and over again.

I wrote a blog entry for him and included some pictures of us together. These were our happiest moments.


Unfortunately, we had a falling-out several months ago, so my most recent pictures with him were taken a couple years ago. I will always regret that I never got to apologize to him and start creating new and better memories. :(

This really, really sucks. 30 is too damn young.
30 is too young. My thoughts are with you and your friends.


Oh dear Sorcha,

It's so tough to lose someone you loved and especially since you're both still young. I believe that if he loved you the same way you cared for him that he already forgave you for whatever you said that you now regret. I'm pretty sure that over the years you said some really great stuff to him as well. You'll honor both of you if you're able to forgive yourself at some point and remember the good things you shared. A sad time for you and all who loved him and I'm wishing you well.
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I'm sorry to learn of your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

May you have fond memories forever and live your life to the fullest.

I am so sorry to hear about your friend. I know 'I'm sorry' doesn't quite cover it, but know that I am praying for you and his family and friends. May God fill you will His comfort and His perfect peace.

I too, have recently lost a loved one, so I'm right there with you. Please feel free to PM me if you need/want to talk. It does slowly get better...
Sorcha, I am so sorry for your loss. I missed all of this until just now, when I wound up here for today's announcement things from Alan.

Your blog was very beautiful. From things you've said, I truly believe he would have known your basic feelings for him were loving ones. We all have disagreements and probably a few angry words, especially with those who are very close to us, but the basic underlying feelings are still there as always. Please don't let those "should have" feelings overwhelm you.

You and his other loved ones are in my prayers and thoughts. Please know that you have much support here on AU.
I went through a period last year where I lost three old and dear friends within 12 months..... and all of them not yet 50. I was out of sorts for several weeks. I certainly wouldn't wish that feeling of loss on anyone and wish you only good fortune as you work to come out on the other side.