Interesting Reservation Modification/Upgrade via the Website.

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Jan 15, 2012
I have a coach reservation for a same-day round trip on the Pacific Surfliner. At the time I booked, business class was "sold out" (I read, unavailable).
I checked this morning and BC is available so I proceeded to upgrade my reservation.

When I selected the entire trip (same-day, two-leg, reservation) for modification only the "Bid-Up" option was available.
I had to select each leg individually in order to accomplish the upgrade by as a purchase.
So, two seperate $10 charges to my FNBO card, and two seperate emails and PDFs reflecting the upgrade. The first PDF only shows the first upgrade; the second PDF (as expected) shows both upgrades.

The upgrade was sucessful but wondering why the IT people wouldn't/couldn't allow a single upgrade for the entire reservation. :cool:
Not a big deal except it was interesting what was needed to accomplish this.