Hate this CZ uncertainty!

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Train Attendant
May 20, 2011
We are scheduled to take the CZ to CHI out of EMY on June 18th. These flooding issues are getting us confused on what to do and how it will affect how much we have to spend.

Do we wait until we get to EMY before having the tickets printed? I take it it is easier to get a refund before you have hardcopies, right?

What happens if we make alternate arrangements, as mentioned in the next sentence, and then Amtrak suddenly finds that the CZ WILL be able to go the full distance?

If we choose to take the CZ as far as Denver and rent a car for the rest of the way, will we be charged the full amount for the sleeper that we already have reserved, or will there be a reduction in price?

Can cars even get past the flooded area? Is it only the trains that are affected or all surface transportation?

Darn, this is supposed to be a vacation, not something to stress over. :blink:
If for some reason your trip is shortened (like in DEN), you will get a refund on the unused portion of the trip. And I would wait until getting to EMY to print the tickets.

You stated that this is a vacation. Do you absolutely have to be a certain place on a certain date?
If not, why not just cancel this trip for now, and reschedule it for a later date?
I myself would do that - and not be stressed over it!

I once had a trip planned (that wasn't absolutely necessary to take) that was subject to potential flooding cancellations. Because this trip wasn't necessary at that time, I cancelled the trip - and didn't stress if it would be cancelled!

Weather issues will always have an impact on travel, I think the insurance industry calls it an "act of god"...

At the end of the day, you have to make the decisions about your travel options in the light of the information available to you.

I cannot imagine Amtrak being able to compensate you if you make other arrangements, then choose to take the train after all...

Believe me, you have my sympathy, I was in the US during the recent tornados and floods, with surface travel it is awkward to decide what is the best option.

If possible, I would wait untill the last momment to decide, that way you keep your options open, to some degree... If you cancel too early, then the trains run, you might feel worse!

Keep in mind that your trip is still some days away, a lot can improve in a week.

Good luck!

Ed :cool:
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Unfortunately, this is the only time we can go on this vacation, so will try to make the best of it. We just don't want to shoot ourselves in the foot by acting too soon on altering the reservation. Oh me, oh my.....

If I thought we could get a comparable price for a family bedroom (or even two roomettes) on the SWC, there's even the option of going home via the CS to the SWC and then onto Chicago. At this late date, though, I'm kind of doubting that is a realistic option.
The rules on this sort of thing vary greatly from business to business and location to location, but there's nothing stopping you from setting up some reservations for things like car rentals and hotels and canceling them later if turns out you won't be needing them. In my experience you should be able to wait until 24-48 hours before arrival before canceling. Just make sure you keep track of who you have reservations with and when they must be canceled by so you don't end up with any nasty surprises on your next credit/debit card bill. If you're absolutely positive you'll be riding Amtrak again then you can also buy backup sleeper reservations on the CS/SWC and exchange those reservation for Amtrak credit if the CZ ends up working out after all.
You stated that this is a vacation. Do you absolutely have to be a certain place on a certain date?
Yeah, just tell everyone that you're "on vacation" and can't be expected to know the answer to impossible riddles like when and how you'll be arriving.
What I meant by "on vacation" is that there are 2 possibilities:

  1. You have to be at a wedding, funeral, cruise ship, family reunion, etc on a certain day, or
  2. You are going to see your family, friends, etc and can delay your trip for a month or two.

It may also depend on if your work requires you to put in for vacation time off like 6 months ahead, or if you don't have a job (or retired or self employed) and can go whenever you want. (I fall into that last group.)
Spoke with an Amtrak agent this afternoon who seemed confident that the CZ will resume operation on the full route by the time we take our trip. I sure hope he is right. :unsure:
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