Has anyone given a "show" from their bedroom to the outside?

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How about waking up in your berth on the Crescent with wife in state of undress realizing the thing that waked you up was the headlights of a car shining in your window because the train has stopped with you lined up with them perfectly at a road crossing. The curtains were open because we had gone to sleep looking out with the full moon shining beautifully on the hills of North Carolina. :eek: :eek: This was in Southern Railway days.
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Just wondering, but if a conductor ejected a passenger for doing the activities discussed in this thread, would that be a "show-off"?
A few years ago whilst on the Southwest Chief portion of the Columbus Loophole the Conductor was chatting with a few of us in the Sightseer as we assaulted Cajon Pass. He was recalling some of his more unusual memories in his many years with Amtrak including encountering a male passenger "pleasuring himself" in the vestibule with the door open. He radioed to the Engineer to stop at the next crossing as he had to put someone off the train but as soon as the train stopped and he went to deal with the passenger, the male rabbited never to be seen again, leaving behind is bags.
I'll be as happy as the next guy to get rid of the creepy in-room toilet in the new Viewliners when traveling with someone one, but I sure am going to miss sitting on the "third seat" in the morning watching the sunrise over the countryside as we speed by.

A real "throne with a view", so to speak.
I'm sure there were a few times a few months back on the Sunset Limited where I showed the coyotes my little choo choo swaying with the train...
On the CNO ( in heritage days ) I assumed the stop was in Centrailea ( sp ? ) to add the other cars to the train. I raised the shade to view the yard and was greeted by a bunch of laughing faces on a platform as I was nude in the bed looking out.
I've always made certain that the curtains are closed before using the facilities. In other words, no show.
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