Groups Demands CalTrain Slow Trains to 5MPH to Deter Teenage Suicide

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[36] | Spokker 

Top method of suicide is the firearm, followed by suffocation and poisoning. Before slowing down the trains, lock your medicine cabinet so suicidal Stevie can't down 50 sleeping pills because he can't handle high school anymore.
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No we don't need to do a better job of doing suicide prevention, or have some decent parenting. No the answer is to inconvenience thousands of people. Get real.
How about figuring out why your kids are offing themselves, and giving them counseling? Getting involved in their lives? Parenting?
Kids smoke or do drugs if they're trying to fit in, they don't kill themselves. Something is seriously wrong in that community, and it's not the trains.
I remember reading something similar to the idea behind the petition in response to a news article about the two middle-school girls who were playing hooky and napping on the railroad tracks, with the result of each of them getting part of a leg cut off by a train.

Here's a picture of the girls:

Sometimes I wonder if people are serious when they come up with petitions like this, or are just trying to make a lot of noise.
just what were the girls doing napping on the rails anyway.
Skipping school. Like the teens alluded to in the OP, sometimes they do dumb things. At least they weren't trying to kill themselves.
just cause they skipped school doesn't answer WHY they took a nap on active train tracks. methinks they were on something. oh hey lets skip school and sense were sleepy lets use these train tracks as a nice comfy bed. :rolleyes:
just what were the girls doing napping on the rails anyway.
Skipping school. Like the teens alluded to in the OP, sometimes they do dumb things. At least they weren't trying to kill themselves.
just cause they skipped school doesn't answer WHY they took a nap on active train tracks. methinks they were on something. oh hey lets skip school and sense were sleepy lets use these train tracks as a nice comfy bed. :rolleyes:
That brings up an interesting point: how in the heck can you be comfortable lying on a railroad bed? I realize the ties are sometimes called sleepers, but still . . .

As for committing suicide on a railroad track, I can't believe that that is the "easiest" way to go, either. But I've never felt predisposed to off myself, so I wouldn't know anything about that.
How about figuring out why your kids are offing themselves, and giving them counseling? Getting involved in their lives? Parenting?
Yep. My kid goes to a VERY politically correct school. As 'with it' as they come. At the beginning of the year meeting there was lots of discussion about teen drug use, nothing about suicide. Not one word. Aside from the stresses of adolescence, a lot of these kids are on powerful medication that can cause suicidal ideation. Some of these drugs are as simple as acne medicine. Its lunacy to not address the problem in a systematic way. But we don't unless there is a cluster of suicides. Then its a 'crisis' meaning an intense and temporary response.

We need to get over the taboo and get parents and teachers to systematically assess their kids about this from time to time.
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My high school was very "suicide aware". Our city had a high teenage suicide rate. But the schools hired more counselors and started taking people seriously. They got everybody they could in to offices and whoever needed it in to professional hands. IIRC in four years only one suicide in our school which graduates a class of 600-700 each year.

Murders were a different story. Now they're doing all sorts of urban outreach programs.
I shall quote myself a few minutes earlier on a thread about delaying light rail in LA due to safety concerns:

"Here's the thing about very expensive transit "safety improvements", like putting this underground (see also: like running caltrain at 5mph):

Road travel is far more dangerous than rail travel.

Even when traveling on roads, traveling by car is far more dangerous than traveling on transit, with a trained professional driving.

Therefore, any safety measures that mean either that transit projects take longer, or that fewer transit projects can be afforded, will probably in reality lead to more deaths and serious injuries, as fewer people travel by safer modes of transport"