Getting Discouraged

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Lead Service Attendant
Jan 21, 2005
When the fiasco of Bush's kill Amtrak budget first came out, I thought that it was just another of many that would slowly go away. Now, I'm not so sure. I have a pile of Guest Rewards points along with a few long distance trains I've wanted to ride. Now, I think I better take those trips and use all my points.

Am I just panicing? Anyone else starting to feel the same as me?
Yes I am..but it just wants to make me fight harder. This one battle we have IS about Amtrak but its really about the future of the United States. We've all see how many half-truths or just plan ignorant facts have been said by Bush/Mineta et al. This makes me wonder how many half truths and lack of fact finding by Bush is affecting other parts of our goverment..Iraq, social security, stem cell research..etc etc. Food for thought.

Keep making those calls, emails and letters. Especially those of you in Texas (hutcheson), Montana (burns), Miss (lott).. we need those 3 Republican senators who are supposidly pro amtrak but voted against the Byrd amendment last week.
Keep in mind why we may not have had the support of those Senators. There is a procedure known as a "paperclip" line item attachment which can be added to bills as they are in the process of being drafted! I posted the following in the other thread regarding this, and this is just my assumption based on how I see how the government works overall with its operations. I am still awaiting a response from both my congressmans' and senators' offices (if I get one)! BTW. OBS........

my posting in earlier thread: "Amtrak Defeated In The Senate"

Basing my conclusion on what I know about government and its operations, I noticed that two traditionally Amtrak advocates Senators Bill Nelson and Trent Lott voted against this bill. I did a little research regarding this bill. And of what I was able to obtain, I noticed it was appropriately titled for its purpose. But one cannot always look at the title and the main purpose of bill without "reading the fine print" so to say. I believe these two "normally" supporters of Amtrak were forced to vote "nay" based on what was included in the bill. This could have been as simple as a procedure known as "paperclipping an attachment" to the bill which would have another effect as well as approving the 1.4 bil of funding for intercity rail. I am not getting any farther results from my internet searches regarding this bill. So I am awaiting response from Sen. Nelson's office here in my home state as well as my local congressman. And I will post their response (if any that is) upon receiving information. I am curious of what varibles were actually included in the bill which caused Nelson and Lott to act as they did regarding their votes!

If the bill had passed it would have went on to the House as most of us are aware. However, the issue can be brought by other means such as possibly as a "paperclip" line item within another bill proposal! We'll see........ OBS......
rile42 said:
Now, I think I better take those trips and use all my points.Am I just panicing? Anyone else starting to feel the same as me?
Am I panicing? No, not really. But I am taking necessary precautions to have other options in line in case the inevitable were to occur. I have my "house" (personal situation) in order for the most part now with a few loose ends to complete. I can tell you I am not losing any sleep, though!

Regarding your points, well I don't know what to tell you. If it were me I would at least use quite a few of them and enjoy a trip or two if I could afford it regarding time and money. Maybe nothing at all will happen as it has been for the last thirty years, but at least you can say you did it just in case it does. That way you accomplish something regarding riding the rails and train travel overall!

I do believe there will be ( I am just speculating here now) considerable reform on the horizon. I don't feel we will not have passenger rail in this country, I just see some changes regarding who may provide it, where, and how! This is just a personal opinion, however! I won't speculate from the Amtrak employee standpoint just yet. OBS......