Family Bedroom/ 2 adults

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Train Attendant
Jul 14, 2015
Is it possible for 2 tall adults to use the lower beds in the family bedroom. Neither of us can use the upper bunks.
The beds in the family room are designed for two adults and two small children and thus, would be unlikely to meet your needs if you are both tall adults. Sometimes the price of two roomettes may come close to the price of the family bedroom and would be a better choice. Each of you could have a lower bunk and you could reserve two rooms across from each other that would meet your needs.
Thanks for the information we can get one H room and as you say a roomette on the lower level for next trip. The larger toilet area works better as well as I'm 5'11 and spouse is 6'4
The restrooms are better suited for us in the H room and yes we do qualify for the room.
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