Coast Starlight Dining

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Green Maned Lion

Dec 27, 2007
I know the Coast Starlight is supposed to be "relaunched." So what does this include dining wise? Is the menu in the dining car different from the rest of the system? More importantly, do they still have SDS? Do they use real linens and china now?
I ate lunch and dinner in the parlor car: cloth tablecloths and napkins, metal "silver"ware, flimsy plastic disposable plates (but looked nice). I had takeout breakfast, same menu as CZ and SWC.

The menu in the regular car was the same or near the same as on the CZ and SWC: steak, lasagna, build-your-own-burgers, sandwich, etc.

Edit: Just looked at video. It has some great shots of the parlor car. Those sure look like the plastic plates I had.
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Oh, china, not chinette. I just watched and listened closely again, I didn't hear that distintive clink of silverware on china.
But on the plus side, the flowers in the Parlour car are REAL! Flowers in the diner were plastic.

The tablecloths were a thick paper, not cloth. The plates are plastic, but has someone already said, nice looking and resenble a real china plate but they are definitely plastic. The only cloth was the "silverware" wraps.
Greetings: When I took the CS in early July, the first day's lunch and dinner had two great "off menu" specials: roast turkey on stuffing and grilled trout for lunch and dinner respectively. Unfortunately I was on the train where the chef got sick during the night( no one has ever answered whether he recovered or not -- I hope so) so everyone had to pitch in and there were no specials. Anyway the food and ambiance were good and the specials very tasty indeed.

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