cardinal luggage

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Train Attendant
Jun 24, 2005
Hi all happy new year, In August I posted a topic regarding luggage on the Cardinal. Replies were helpful but now we have additional family members traveling.

These members include children age 2 years and 1 year. My daughter wants to bring aboard the Cardinal her double seater stroller as this will be needed in Florida. Question is, will we be able to bring it on the Cardinal and the Star?

The places we are visiting won't always have a rental stroller available in Kissimmee and Orlando.

I wouldn't think it would be a problem but I would call Amtrak to find out. Would the stroller be small enough to go under the seat?
A double stroller!?! Definitely not, I don't think you could even fit a single stroller under there. I don't recall whether you're travelling coach or sleeper, if you're in coach it shouldn't be an issue at all. There is a nice little area at the rear of each car where many TA's will stow wheelchairs or strollers that aren't in use during the trip. I wouldn't plan on using a single stroller on board, much less a double. As for the Star if they won't let you bring it on board they'll definitely let it go into the Baggage Car, I've seen many strollers and car seats come in and out of there.
The original poster didn't want to use the stroller on the train, they just wanted to know if they would to be able to carry it onto the train folded up, such that they will have it available to use when they get to Florida their ultimate destination.
Frankly, if at all possible, they should check the stroller in the baggage car! The stroller will take up just about all the usuable space in a sleeper room, and they take up a lot of room in the coaches, too. Some TAs don't mind using that wheelchair space, however, I am not one of them. This loose stuff laying around becomes a safety hazard as well as it is in the way when we actually do get a wheelchair bound passenger who wishes to remain in their chair! OBS...
Amtrak OBS Employee said:
Frankly, if at all possible, they should check the stroller in the baggage car! The stroller will take up just about all the usuable space in a sleeper room, and they take up a lot of room in the coaches, too. Some TAs don't mind using that wheelchair space, however, I am not one of them. This loose stuff laying around becomes a safety hazard as well as it is in the way when we actually do get a wheelchair bound passenger who wishes to remain in their chair! OBS...
Excellant advice OBS and something that we all would have recommended too, but for the fact that the Cardinal sadly no longer offers checked baggage. :(

I've no doubt that the OP will check the stroller once they get to DC and transfer to the Silver Service. But the question that remains is, will they get hassled on the Cardinal where they have no choice but to carryon the stroller?
I am not sure why the OP says that strollers won't be available for rental in the area. A Google search showed many such establishments in the area, including some that will deliver and pick up. This would seem the easiest way to handle this dilemma, rather than trying to haul the stroller.

Click here for one such example: stroller rental
Thanks Alan, I should have been more specific. I sometimes forget to point out which train I am talking about. As far as an answer to your last question, that is a good one! I would recommend they already have the stroller folded up and in the act of handling it as a carry on bag. They probably should be ok in that case. OBS...
Thank you Chatter for the tip on the stroller rental establishments available. What I was referring to as not having a rental available was the shopping areas, downtown disney, old town, etc. Most have very hard strollers that do not recline also. The stroller in question we wish to bring is not a side by side but a front to back model.

Alan thank you for clearing up the details I neglected, such as we wanted to know whether we could bring the folded up double stroller aboard the Cardinal for use at our Kissimmee destination since there is no checked baggage for us until we transfer to the Silver Service.

I did contact the Amtrak staff and got conflicting answers so therefore I chose to ask the forum members who are appreciated for their knowledge and experience. The answers I received were 1. "If you can place it overhead, yes". 2. "No, there is no room". 3. Maybe, you would have to ask when you board".

I asked on three different occasions because I don't feel that each rep really understood my question and seemed unsure about the answer they gave me, which is understandable without a visual image of the stroller in question.

Thanks all
Your welcome. Recieving conflicting explanations from Amtrak doesn't surprise me. At least here you are talking with those who travel frequently by train, and some actual on board employees such as myself. As far as I am concerned, checking it whenever possible is your best bet. Those trains where you can't, just simply be able to handle it with little or no assistance from the crew. Hopefully you can fit it up in the overhead rack or at least down at your seat. I see folks on our "Silver Service" trains with "big ole strollers" jammed up into that rack. So I don't really see how your's will be too big an issue. The only way I see an issue made of it is if it appears to be posing a safety hazard after you're on the train. And personally, it ain't gonna matter after that as you're already there. Good luck, and just keep a good attitude regarding it with the conductor and you should be fine IMHO. OBS...
Word of advice though, when the train rolls in, have it already folded up and ready to go. B)
battalion51 said:
Word of advice though, when the train rolls in, have it already folded up and ready to go. B)
Good advice. I had already recommended that in a previous posting. OBS...
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