Can I add my wife to my Roomette as a BOGO?

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OBS Chief
Jun 23, 2021
Can I add my wife to my already purchased roomette ticket DC to Orlando and take advantage of the current 'buy one, get one' sale at the same time? Or should I cancel and rebook, or just add her and not worry about it?
Also, you'll have to be careful to read the fine print, as most of these BOGO type sales specifically prohibit any upgrades.

It'll probably be cheaper for you at this point, with higher fares for the room, to just book your wife's rail fare and add her to your reservation as an "Open Sleeper".
I tried to do this online by booking the BOGO deal and then cancelling but I got flustered and missed adding my wife as passenger #2 so I now have 2 single passenger roomette reservations, how do I fix this? When I called to just add my wife to my existing reservation, I was told I couldn't do that because it was paid for!
I tried to do this online by booking the BOGO deal and then cancelling but I got flustered and missed adding my wife as passenger #2 so I now have 2 single passenger roomette reservations, how do I fix this? When I called to just add my wife to my existing reservation, I was told I couldn't do that because it was paid for!
Dunno, but you should be able to cancel the new reservation for a full refund within 24 hrs.
Bumped this up to Customer Relations and got straightened out, close enuff anyways - keep one of the Roomette reservations and the open ticket for my wife and cancelled the other (the old one since the open was already tied to the new one) and got a full refund on the first Roomette. If I had successfully done the BOGO and cancelled, I would've been about $20 better off after eating the cancellation fee but in the meantime the train filled up so I'm good with this. The Customer Relations person was attentive and thorough = following policy presumably but without just reading the script and giving me answers to questions I hadn't asked like the first two had. Of course, they may have less experience and authority. I gave her a bit of an earful, since by that time I was frustrated (and I've worked in customer service so I have a sense of how it should work), but made sure to give the last person I spoke with my sincere thanks for getting this to something I could live with.