Are items such as towels, bath soap etc. provided in the sleeper?

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Here's something else to consider: if you are going to use that "communal" shower room..what are you going to wear to and from it? Seriously, I doubt you'll want to wear full daytime attire in and out of it as opposed to something easy like sweats, pullover, shorts, etc.

I keep wondering how many people clean their bathrooms AT HOME as "thoroughly" as they do these accommodations?
Here's something else to consider: if you are going to use that "communal" shower room..what are you going to wear to and from it? Seriously, I doubt you'll want to wear full daytime attire in and out of it as opposed to something easy like sweats, pullover, shorts, etc.?
I do! :rolleyes:

If I packed sweats, pullovers, shorts, etc.... thats just more to put on my carryon. In fact, I leave out PJ's too, I just sleep in my clothes - less to carry!
Upon boarding, we always ask the Sleeping Car Attendant (SCA) if he/she could bring us a couple of extra bath towels if available & when convenient for the SCA to do so. Amtrak bath linens are, indeed, on the smallish and thinnish side. Sometimes there's a stack of clean towels in the downstairs shower compartment, sometimes there isn't.
And I always bring a travel-size bottle of combination shampoo/conditioner to reduce time & water use in the shower.
Are the showers clean? Can i be bare foot in there or do i need flip flops to wear in the shower?
I shower barefoot. Actually, I tend to walk around within the car barefoot (which you are not supposed to do). I do happen to have feet that consist of heavy callouses and little else. I've generally walked around outside barefoot much of my life. I have very wide feet, and if someone can't put together a pair of shoes that consists of a 13.5 5E left and a 11.5 3E right, I'm uncomfortable. Oh, and I have flat feet with bad ankles so it needs to lack an arch and have supportive ankles too. I think this is why I tend to wear steel-toed boots when I do wear shoes. I'm weird.

Anyway, some of us are brave enough to shower without footwear. Do it at your own ristk, though.
Hmm so i should just bring my own stuff to be safe? I have a roomette, but i'm trying not to overpack my i'm trying to get as much info as i can.
Thank you
I generally pack my own pillows, a basic change of outer clothes such that I can do that once every two days, a change of underclothes for daily changing, and a small bag item containing deodorant, shampoo, and conditioner. I put this into a large bag of the rolling type, sort of a duffle-roller. I also carry neck-pillows, noise protectors (like lawn-mowers use), and a eye mask for when I travel coach, as I often do. All of this goes into the big bag, which I store at the end of the car, the lower level luggage rack, or the big luggage compartment in a Viewliner.

Notice that none of this stuff is expensive. If I lose it, c'est la vie. I have never lost anything, but my point is, it isn't stuff I worry about being out of my sight.

I also carry a second bag, a battered leather satchel, with items I currently use or hold to be of value: a camera, a paper notebook, my scanner, several notebooks containing data such as car informaition, route information, and radio information, several Parker Jotter pens, and a system timetable. If I am carrying tickets, reservation confirmations, or similar stuff, its in here too. I carry this into my room, and leave it on one of the seats when I leave it. I keep it closed because I don't want anyone to know what's in it.

People don't generally steal things on the train, but... temptation can be too much. I once remember someone eying my Leica M3 longingly back when I still used film. I have since made a point of keeping my camera out of sight, for example. Nobody is going to go looking for it, but a $1500 camera sitting out on the rooms table on display is just asking for it.

Oh, one other thing. I generally sleep in my underwear with a shirt and shorts laying on the floor next to the bed if I have to get up in the middle of the night.
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I have always had soap, wash cloth (2), hand towels (2) and toilet tissue in a Viewliner roomette.

As I recall, the same, except for toilet tissue, were in a Superliner roomette.

I have found everything I needed in the communal Shower that I needed. It just depends how luxurious you want. I prefer to carry as little as possible, leaving room for my cameras.

Hi all! Is this still the case (post covid) that Amtrak provides shower towels, soap, etc for bedroom occupants?

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