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Nov 9, 2005
Amarillo, Texas
Was flipping channels and noticed an Amtrak train. It was on MTV's newest Real World. Seems a couple of people rode the train to the Denver house. One from Emeryville and the other from Omaha. Looks like they booked them roomettes. Train looks real nice on the shots I saw.
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I was on the train the girl from California was on. I got on at Grandby and was going back home to Omaha. She and her camera person were TOTALLY ANNOYING in the lounge. She took up 4 lounge seats, I guess to keep others out of the camera's frame, and the camera person was standing in the aisle in everyone's way for HOURS. Anytime someone tried to sit in the lounge seats, or even get by in the aisle it was as they were interrupting a movie star. She sat looking out the window or reading a magazine for hours and the camera person was filming the whole time. It was almost humerous, to film so much of the same mundane scene. Their story was the camera girl was a film student working on a class assignment.

Of course the train from Omaha gets to Denver about 7am, and the train from California about 7pm (or later) so the two arriving at Denver at the same time was staged, but they did a good job on it.

It was nice to see Amtrak used and thought it came out pretty good. Yahoo.
Was flipping channels and noticed an Amtrak train. It was on MTV's newest Real World. Seems a couple of people rode the train to the Denver house. One from Emeryville and the other from Omaha. Looks like they booked them roomettes. Train looks real nice on the shots I saw.
Is there any video on this on the web?
I was on the train the girl from California was on. I got on at Grandby and was going back home to Omaha. She and her camera person were TOTALLY ANNOYING in the lounge. She took up 4 lounge seats, I guess to keep others out of the camera's frame, and the camera person was standing in the aisle in everyone's way for HOURS. Anytime someone tried to sit in the lounge seats, or even get by in the aisle it was as they were interrupting a movie star. She sat looking out the window or reading a magazine for hours and the camera person was filming the whole time. It was almost humerous, to film so much of the same mundane scene.
A pal of mine ended up on a reality show gig doing some off-camera technical stuff. He told me the shows are well, edited so much as to take one's breath away. Go figure; the producers are in some cases trying to boil down days of footage into an hour show (that might be 37 minutes after commercial breaks). B)
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