Amtrak offers free drinks!

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When I read that I kinda thought, "uh...thats alot to drink!" :( I don't drink, I DO NOT get on a soap box about drinking but when I hear a place has "free drinks" that pretty much tells me there's a good chance for alot of "free idiots"! :lol: Oh well...the drinks they might be providing would be wines and beers that I can't pronounce. They might give me a real dirty look if I proclaimed, "Give me a 6-pack of Falstaff please......warm as well!" :lol: We recently had a 100 year birthday celebration for the company I work for and it was 50 miles away. Some employees decided the "safest" thing to do would be to charter a bus since our drivers license's are so important to our jobs. (delivery) What I couldn't figure out was partying on the bus, at the celebration and all the way home on the bus and then driving from where we all work to home. Doesn't that kinda defeat the purpose?
All Aboard the Booze Train
At least it's only for Grand Luxe pax.
I'm the first to vacate the lounge car when someone gets in the phone booth and puts on his Superman outfit after a couple of nips. I honestly think this whole story is slanted. First of all, Amtrak is not giving away the alcohol. Secondly, I'm sure that at least 90% of the rooms on this train will be double occupancy; thus diluting the $100 in half if both pax drink equally and probably in their own private room (I wish Amtrak would install a time out room in the transition dorm for some of the Super Heroes that can't hold two beers.) Thirdly at $14, or more, a round I don't think people will be throwing mama from the train. Just an old dinsoursus rex's opinion.
I don't understand who cares what MADD thinks about people drinking on the train or how much they drink. They should encourage people to drink on the train rather than drinking and driving.
When the cost is almost $800 from D.C. to Chicago per person and twice that amount to the West Coast, I doubt you will be seeing your usual Amtrak drunks in the lounge car that is exclusive to Grandluxe travelers. Considering that a bottle of Dom Perignon is available for $250, your are not even covering half.
I don't understand who cares what MADD thinks about people drinking on the train or how much they drink. They should encourage people to drink on the train rather than drinking and driving.
Agreed. Besides, I really don't think that they have much to worry about anyway because I would think that most of the consumption would take place at night during dinner or in the sleeping cars, long before the passengers arrive at their destination.
The bottom line is this: People think that Amtrak is "all taxpayers money" and what people I have educated have began to understand the "subsidy" bit alot more. But today in the Lincoln Journal Star on the 2nd page of the main section is: "Amtrak Giving Away $100.00 Worth of Free Alcohol". I can't wait for work tomorrow to listen to my buddies who would rather get bumped, get cancelled, get re-routed on there subsidy free (?) :lol: airplane than take the train whine to me about the kegger Amtrak is going to have. The story looks totally "Amtrak", but then a lil' further back in the LJS is a story about "record delays" in the airline industry. :lol: All in 8 pages of the Journal Star! :huh:
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