Amtrak needs to blow its horn

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Sep 3, 2005
I am a new poster here, but am the Moderator of "Rail Talk" on the Cruise Page on the internet.

My Cruise Talk name is "Cambodge;" my Rail Talk name is "High Iron." Not to boast, just to establish bona fides!

There has been much discussion on Cruise Talk about the charter of cruise ships to house refugees from Katrina. A charter has just been concluded with Carnival for three ships which will be based on the Texas Gulf.

But the recent actions of Amtrak to operate a refugee shuttle service has had little or no exposure in the media. I did not know about it until I googled the subject:

This is indeed unfortunate, as it could provide an effective and high-visibility counter to Congressional and media Amtrak-bashers at a time when Amtrak can use all the help it can get. Photos of the cruise ships are already appearing on TV. Where are the photos of the evacuation specials...even here on this site?
CNN, ran a header at the bottom of thier sceeen today 3 SEPT 05. I saw it three times today at different times. I think FOX mentioned it also.
Only 100 people on the train?!?! ;) Come on, either someone got their numbers screwed up or Amtrak is really missing the point of having and using trains. A schoolbus can handle nearly 100 people, albeit not comfortbaly. ONE Superliner coach CAN accommodate 100 comfortably - does this mean the 10-12 car train ran nearly empty? The train should have carried at least 1000 pax since that amount of equipment is designed to seat that many, and it should have handled many many more (standee conditions) if there are still thousands of people needing to evacuate the city. Anyone know or care to guess what is going on here? :huh: ;)
I think it was a typo on the 100, it said elsewhere in the article 600 were from the Superdome. Also a Superliner coach can't accomodate 100 COMFORTABLY, 84 is squished at maximum capacity.

The other thing that strikes me is that they have a quote from the Engineer. I'm not sure if it's company policy, Union policy or what, but the general rule of thumb is to let the Corporate spokesmen handle all the press, and just not comment. This whole article seems a little funny to me.
battalion51 said:
I think it was a typo on the 100, it said elsewhere in the article 600 were from the Superdome. Also a Superliner coach can't accomodate 100 COMFORTABLY, 84 is squished at maximum capacity.
The other thing that strikes me is that they have a quote from the Engineer. I'm not sure if it's company policy, Union policy or what, but the general rule of thumb is to let the Corporate spokesmen handle all the press, and just not comment. This whole article seems a little funny to me.
The train had a total of 350 people on board from NOL.
I've got news for yunz guys.

Amtrak (and railroads in general) are totally off the average network producer's radar. Unless a derailment occurs that kills bunches of people, they are clueless about railroads. Really.

more later, I'm tired.
battalion51 said:
The other thing that strikes me is that they have a quote from the Engineer. I'm not sure if it's company policy, Union policy or what, but the general rule of thumb is to let the Corporate spokesmen handle all the press, and just not comment.
No policy exists. Reporters work to get on-the-scene quotes -- especially in a human situation of such magnitude. The article is legit.
Regardless, it's common sense. I don't care whether you're helping people out, if you just whacked a dump truck, or just put you're whole freaking train on the ground, any professional in any corporation should let the spokesmen do the talking.
Then I guess some of us (me) should no longer post here if I need to worry about this! The media could obtain good info right off this site if they should want to. OBS... :ph34r:
Amtrak is on hold with the evac train until they figure out where there going to run the trains there having a meeting tomarrow about how and where to run the trains they could be sending the trains north up to ST Louis.As far as the 2nd set of equipment it could run to Lafayette today and sit next to the 1st set.
battalion51 said:
. . . any professional in any corporation should let the spokesmen do the talking.
Obviously you've never worked in the media, or media relations.

In the article, the engineer is quoted indirectly: said his heart went out to the gentle people who had gone through so much.

And the engineer is quoted directly: “The rumors about people from New Orleans bringing violence is just a very small minority,” he said. “These people are simply suffering. They are the most decent people I’ve ever had on board. They picked up the trash and kept the cars clean.”

Sorry, there were no "spokesmen" nearby. Such a quote by an employee is fine. Again, especially in a human situation of such magnitude.
Now I think it time for Bush and little friend Mr Norm to give Amtrak full funding and maybe few extra to pay for all those NOLA crew memebers who out work and stop playing around .

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