A successful effort at a trip to St Louis

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Aug 27, 2002
The trip down on 301 was a good ride. The consist was an amfleet business class car, two horizon cars,, one venture car, and an amfleet one coach on the rear. We departed Union Station on time. Between Dwight and Bloomington we met 300. Then we waited 30 minutes for a NB freight. Then we followed another freight south until after Lincoln. As we arrived Normal, we met 302. After we overtook the southbound freight we met 22 just north of Springfield. Union Pacific did not do a great job of dispatching here IMHO. They had more trains than railroad capacity. IMHO that southbound should have been put into a siding earlier to al.ow us to overtake it, and the northbound freight could have been held in Bloomington.

The snack car serves grilled cheese sandwiches. I tried one. It was OK. A change of pace from the usual breakfast sandwich. The attendant was pleasant and professional.
One table was occupied by the conductor and he was personable too. Another passenger asked when the higher speeds would kick in. The conductor patiently explained that we were operating at 90 when there was no freight traffic. He also told the passenger that a test train for higher speeds had been operated earlier in the week. He also explained that it was difficult to redo the schedule to coordinate meets with other passenger trains and freight trains.
The trip back on 318 was very enjoyable. This train had two baggage cars, an amfleet business class cafe car, and 4 venture coaches IIRC. The train arrived in St. Louis late. There was a long line of passengers waiting to board, and I had given up hope of getting a window seat. Once we got to the platform the conductor boarded us through a door between two venture coaches and let passengers sit where they want. I was able to walk to the last car and last row of seats and secure a window seat on the right side. I got a couple of videos of the departure from St. Louis which I will add from my iPhone.

The train was very full, but I never had a seatmate on what was supposed to be a sold-out train. I was careful to keep the seat next to me clear in case it was needed. When we got to Chicago the door on the last car was open and I got off there. There was no uniformed Amtrak employee at the door. I was pleased to get off and walk on the platform to the station. I observed that all doors had opened and the steps had operated as expected so there was no need for a step stool at each door.
Did you happen to notice if all doors were opened at intermediate stops, particularly the busier ones like Springfield and Normal? Or was it just at Chicago?