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Jul 8, 2011
hi, i have got some great tips so far for my virgin journey. do i need anything more than a sweatshirt, earplugs, ipad, water some snack bars for this trip? i am traveling coach.....
hi, i have got some great tips so far for my virgin journey. do i need anything more than a sweatshirt, earplugs, ipad, water some snack bars for this trip? i am traveling coach.....

Also, you should remember to wave to the_traveler as you pass through Kingston, RI.
Pillows ARE NOT provided on #66! I might also consider going business class (BC) on #66 and the Downeaster! #66 uses different BC cars than the regular Regional trains. This is the only Regional that I would consider taking BC.

I would also consider taking eyeshades for this run. #66 stops in NYP at 2 AM for 1 hour, and the platform lights are VERY BRIGHT!

If you don't have any or much baggage, consider getting off #66 at Boston - Back Bay, 1 stop from South Station. After you leave the platform, turn right and within a 100 feet or so (inside the station) is a "T" (Subway) stop. Take that northbound (I believe) 2 stops to North Station. That is where the Downeaster departs. If you have much luggage, take #66 to South Station (the final stop) and consider taking a cab to North Station.

You also can get between South Station and North Station via the "T", but there is much walking (with stairs) during the transfer. Also remember that from either Back Bay or South Station, due to the arrival time of #66, it will be rush hour on the "T"!

And I also suggest that you join Amtrak Guest Rewards prior to your trip! If you were a member of AU, I would offer to refer you if you sent me a PM (Private Message) with your email address(es). However, guest can not send PM's.
And join Amtrak Guest Rewards (AGR) before your trip! If you had not yet joined, just send me a PM (Private Message) with your email address(es)! (Each AGR account must have a separate email address!)

BEat you Dick, and you had the chance - twice!
again thanks to all for suggestions. why the upgrade to bc? i am a pretty heavy sleeper, if that matters
why the upgrade to bc? i am a pretty heavy sleeper, if that matters
The reason I suggested the upgrade to BC is that #66 (and #67) use a car that has 2X1 seating and curtains in BC. (2X1 refers to 2 seats on one side of the aisle and 1 seat on the other. All other BC cars have 2X2 seats.) Coach does not have curtains, and #66 stops in NYP from 2 AM to 3 AM, and the platform lights are VERY bright!

This (and #67) are the only trains on the NEC that I would recommend an upgrade to BC on!
I would also recommend an upgrade on the Downeaster!
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