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  1. J

    Holiday rail horror story

    Good advice. I will do that. I suppose the certified mail gives me proof of receipt which can be used later if I do not get a response?
  2. J

    Holiday rail horror story

    That day there were 3 coaches + a dining car that appeared to have a very small BC at the front of the car (same car). Perhaps there was another BC ahead of that. But definitely 3 coaches.
  3. J

    Holiday rail horror story

    Yeah, it was not hot. It was cold if anything. Another issue with the lack of communication was that everyone expected they'd be back to pick up our car in a few minutes. That made it all the more disconcerting when it took so long. I wish they'd done what you said and just had us stand on the...
  4. J

    Holiday rail horror story

    Thanks for the input, Nathanael. That seems more than fair to me. I just hope they / he responds. I will let you all know. To anyone who reads this - to be very clear - I have no issue with the newly released felons. However, it simply added to the experience in a negative way. You see, when...
  5. J

    Holiday rail horror story

    This is an interesting discussion, and I appreciate the input. I can firm up the numbers, as mentioned above. 2 trains went past (that I saw) 2 released felons (that the security guard in Lincoln told me about) Passengers left alone on orphaned car 1 hour Passenger stuck in bathroom no more...
  6. J

    Holiday rail horror story

    Your note sounds pretty rational. Thanks for the insight. In general, I think the biggest problem was having nobody from Amtrak on our car when they left us alone on the track for 1+ hours. There were some people on the car > 80 years old, and I don't think it was the right think for Amtrak to...
  7. J

    Holiday rail horror story

    Quick synopsis: Train car found to have a wheel issue. Train stopped on track to address (including car removal to replace the problematic car with a new car + reattach). However, what happened is nothing short of a disaster on Amtrak's part. The big question is... is this something that Amtrak...