Ohio Gov Kasich Calls Us A "Train Cult"

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I thought that odd as well. This is the kind of advocacy that I would think he'd be cheering full throatedly.

In fact, things like this can be a powerful way of using this site - even if not to write the articles and get them posted, to just roam the net looking for newspaper stories about rail issues and in a coordinated way work the comments section to present the facts in a rational manner.
I am going to wait a little bit before I print this out. Currently it is over 24 pages long. I will send one copy to Strickland, one copy to Kasich, and one to the editor at the Rep with the note "This would make a good story for B-1, don't you think?"
I thought that odd as well. This is the kind of advocacy that I would think he'd be cheering full throatedly.

In fact, things like this can be a powerful way of using this site - even if not to write the articles and get them posted, to just roam the net looking for newspaper stories about rail issues and in a coordinated way work the comments section to present the facts in a rational manner.

i have a google alert set for Amtrak and get e-mails daily. Generlly, about every two-three weeks, there is a link to an op/ed piece or letter to the editor concerning amtrak. That would be one way to lurk the web for opportunities to comment.
There was an editorial comment in our local paper today from the Dayton paper quoting a source that the estimated cost of the 3C train to the Ohio budget would be equivalent to what ODOT spends on highway trash pickup each year.

Since my fellow Lions Club members pick up trash along our local state highway corridor four times each year, perhaps we can help stimulate positive vibes for the railroad :giggle:

" Dayton Daily News" "The main component to the opposition of the 3C rail project is the estimated 17 million dollar operating cost not covered by ticket revenue. This is roughly what the state transportation department spends on picking up trash and cutting grass in a year. Its a teensy percentage of the nearly $2.8 billion a year the state spends on roads and bridges. For such a big project to fail over such a small amount of money would be absurd".
Anybody here posting under the name "ahblid" ?
That would be AlanB I believe. :) I hope he doesn't mind me reveilling his identity.
I thought he was, but I figured Alan would just use AlanB.
Far too many times that name has already been taken, although I'm am registered as AlanB at some sites. But most of the time I use ahblid; a concatenation of my initials AHB and my nickname for my wife, Lydia.

No worries Chris! :)
my initials AHB
And the "H" stands for "Helping", right?

The Vermont congressional delegation has sent a letter asking that some of the OH and WI be redistributed to extend the Ethan Allen to Burlington:


While I sincerely hope both projects go through (as we did get funding for another project in the first round of grants), if things fall through in OH and WI it would be a bittersweet victory for us here in VT.
Anybody commenting on the story will note that today changes went into effect, in order to register you must update your personal information. This is to prevent flames, it will not be shared with other users.

A variety of comments on the subject matter, many people will help the chances of the Rep accepting my request for formal coverage of this story. Even just a quick "Good letter" or "Interesting issue, thanks for the information" would be invaluable.

It only takes a few minutes of your time, but together may help bring more local attention to the issue.
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For what it's worth LaHood can't pull the money until the program is cancelled from the state. Until Jan 13th or until Strickland cancels it, the program is still running, as it has been since the funding was granted.

If it's worth anything-- the Rep may do a full story on this. My friend who is a reporter hand delivered 27 pages of commentary written on that letter to the editor. The editor asked for my contact information "as a formality".
The Rep still has a story, only now instead of being about rail, it will be how Kaisich was such a dumb ******* that he cost Ohio money, improvements, jobs, services, $400 million worth, before he even assumed office.
I know that I feel like storming a certain Ohioans house in Layfayette with torch and pitchfork in hand...
Anybody here posting under the name "ahblid" ?
That would be AlanB I believe. :) I hope he doesn't mind me reveilling his identity.
I thought he was, but I figured Alan would just use AlanB.
Far too many times that name has already been taken, although I'm am registered as AlanB at some sites. But most of the time I use ahblid; a concatenation of my initials AHB and my nickname for my wife, Lydia.

No worries Chris! :)
"Concatenation" is an awfully big word. I had to look it up in the dictionary :blink: That took time away from my otherwise busy day of doing whatever it is that I do :lol: That being said, this is a really interesting thread. The political gymnastics surrounding HSR and railroad funding in general should keep us busy for a while. If it doesn't, I will post a thread on the "escatological significance of the Christ event as it pertains to long distance rail travel and the penthouse suites on sleeping cars as controlled by the_traveler."
Well he wants a cult, he'll get one. Blind followers who will annoy the hell out of him for four years. Those on this board who know me, know I send post cards from my Amtrak trips-- I am officially adding John Kaisich to my list.

"Wish you were here, but you can't get from Ohio by rail. Yours, M."
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