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Hope this is the right forum, my question is about the type of equptment used on the Lakeshore Limited in 1982=1983. I am trying to collect the different types of cars I have been on through the years. I did some cle - chi trips in 1982=1983. Would there have been heritage, amfleet coaches, and what phase? Thanks in advance as always. ;)
While this may not be an accurate depcition of what the consist was like around that time, it should be close especially in terms of the equipment. Keep in mind there would be more cars on the LSL in the summer than in the winter. I'm not sure if the LSL was HEP equipped by then, if it was then it would definitely be in in Phase III Paint, if it was still steam heated then it would've been in Phase II. I have here a copy of an article from June 1990 detailing Amtrak's Summer Consists, including the LSL.

48-49 Lake Shore Limited Chicago-New York/Boston

All Equipment CHI-NYG except as noted:

2 FL9s (ALB-NYG)*

2 F40s (CHI-ALB)

3 MHCs (CHI-SPG)**


1 Heritage Baggage (CHI-BOS)**

1 Heritage 10-6 Sleeper (CHI-BOS)**

2 Heritage Coaches (CHI-BOS)**

1 H-Coach (CHI-BOS)**

1 Amlounge II (CHI-BOS)**

2 Amcoach I (ALB-NYG)

1 Amdinette (ALB-NYG)

1 Heritage Diner

1 H-Coach

3 Heritage Coaches

1 Heritage 16-10 Slumbercoach

1 Heritage 10-6H Sleeper

1 Baggage-dorm

*-One unit if sufficient

**-In 448-449 ALB-BOS (Probably powered with 1 F40 from ALB-BOS)

H-Indicates Handicapped Accesible Equipment

BOS=Boston, Massachusetts

ALB=Albany, New York

CHI=Chicago, Illinois

SPG=Springfield, Massachusetts

NYG=New York Grand Central Sta. (Trains to/from ALB still used NYG until shortly after)
If you have any other questions I'll be happy to help.
This is a little off topic, but when did Amtrak last regularly serve Grand Central? Also, why is there equipment noted as going to Grand Central on the New York side, if the remainder of the equipment is going there as well?
battalion51 said:
This is a little off topic, but when did Amtrak last regularly serve Grand Central? Also, why is there equipment noted as going to Grand Central on the New York side, if the remainder of the equipment is going there as well?
I don't recall precisely when Amtrak stopped serving GCT, but it was in the early 90's.

As for the equipment that's noted as going to GCT, it is noted because it's only running from Albany to GCT, unlike the rest of the cars which are running from Chicago to GCT.
It would be highly unlikely to find any amfleet 2 cars since they were built about 2 years after the time period you are talking about. But also keep in mind that slumbercoaches and ocaisonally a dome car might also be used.
The amfleet 2s IIRC are from 1978-80, so they should have been around then.

Dome coaches or lounges have made CHI-ALB and CHI-BOS in the past too.