Goodbye from Caravanman

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Mar 22, 2004
Nottingham, England.
Somehow my facebook page got hooked up with an AU member named ****. I objected to his racist views appearing on my facebook page, and he responded by calling me "an English Cu**".

I am therefore withdrawing from this forum.

Ed :cool:

Edit: I have removed that persons name, I did make an error with their name.
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Somehow my facebook page got hooked up with an AU member named S. Korr*** I objected to his racist views appearing on my facebook page, and he responded by calling me "an English Cu**".

I am therefore withdrawing from this forum.

Ed :cool:
:hi: Eddie: Dont Let some Unknown A**Hole Keep you from Sharing with your Friends here on AU! Every Organization and Country has Idiots like this, youve made Lots of friends Over Here in the AU Family and we sure enjoy your Posts and meeting you in Person! Please Reconsider, and I'm Sure the Admins of this Forum May be able to Ban this Cretin! Jim
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Eddie, please do reconsider leaving AU! Your posts are very informative and interesting, and it's always interesting to get the views from somebody across the Pond!

I don't quite understand your reasoning about Facebook and AU. They are 2 different forums. In fact, I signed up for Facebook, but never posted anything - or even looked at it. I have de-activated my account when I "became friends" with many, many, many people I had never even heard of!
But as you can tell, I'm still on AU!

I have met many people I can call friends - including you
- but not by becoming a "friend" by clicking like on Facebook! I prefer the human contact - even if it is only once or twice a year - to determine who will be a friend!

You've given excellent reasons to be pissed at Facebook and good reasons to raise issues about this situation...but it's not AU that's at fault, and the fact that said person hasn't (at least openly) acted that way here says how welcome it'd be if they did.

You guys are right, my facebook contact was one thing, I don't need to involve AU. Mt first reaction was to leave AU as that was where the contact with that member came from, but I have decided to stay.

Should be an interesting boxing match in Seattle though...

Ed. :cool:
:blink: Hmm. If it's who pops into my mind immediately, you may have to get in line behind me to settle things. :p
Unfortunately we have some real A$$holes here at AU (just like everywhere) but since you are NOT one of them I am glad you changed your mind.

Since you ARE an English Cr*** :blink: it makes your outlook and observations different and interesting :giggle: . Please do not tell me what you think I am :eek:

I'm happy you have decided to stay with AU. You are a very valued member of our group.

Look forward to seeing you again, this time in Seattle.

Glad that you decided to stick around!

I'd still talk to the staff (assuming that you haven't) - that kind of behavior is unacceptable. There's nothing wrong with making contact with folks from here on other social networks (I'm friends on facebook with several members here), but to then use that to be abusive crosses the line.
You guys are right, my facebook contact was one thing, I don't need to involve AU. Mt first reaction was to leave AU as that was where the contact with that member came from, but I have decided to stay. Should be an interesting boxing match in Seattle though.
Add me to the list of folks who may not know what happened but are still glad you changed your mind. Your input and perspective are greatly appreciated. :cool:
I'll "pile on" too, and say I'm glad your staying. I think you add a great perspective from the other side of the pond. Most of us Yanks appreciate your interest in Amtrak and your contributions to the forum! :cool:


Please do get in touch with me, Alan, Tom or Eric and we'll see what we can do. Sorry that you received an offensive message from a member! :(

I, too, am happy that you decided to remain an AU member. I also agree with you that racist remarks are very offensive.

Hope to see you at the next gathering.

Besides Eddie, we HAVE to have SOMEONE from the other side of the pond to make fun of, as most of us Yanks have hammered on each other for way too long.

Glad you have decided stick around, it was great meeting you in St. Louie last year.

So glad to meet you in St Louis last October and always glad to read your posts. Very happy you changed your mind and will continue to be a part of our group. :D

Hope the moderators can end the perpetrators membership for such a uncivilized point of view. :angry:

Hope to see you in Seattle!!

Railroad & Mrs Bill
I'm glad you decided to stick around too! Otherwise I may be the next to be called an "English *****", since I live in NEW England!

But really, I agree with every one else who posted. There are many different views here on AU, but calling somebody names (especially on another forum) is unacceptable! There are some on AU that I do not agree with, but I would never get into the name calling game.

It was great to meet you last year in St Louis, and hope to see you again - in Seattle or maybe even across the pond. (That is if Amtrak ever goes there!
:hi: As they used to Say in the 60s, Right On Eddie! :) Looking forward to your VIA Trip and hopefully seeing you again in SEA for the Gathering if not Before Along the Rails! Jim
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I'd also suggest a "defriend and block" on fb and use of the ignore feature here.
Eddie, I cancelled my Facebook for similar reasons, which had nothing to do with the AU forum. Happy to see you've decided not to leave this forum. It was great meeting you in St. Louis and hope to see you at many more gatherings.

May I say how touched I am by all the positive messages, made my day!

I have recieved an apology from the person concerned, and I am 100% happy with that. I understand that things get said in the heat of the moment, and I am sorry for over reacting too.

Case closed!

Ed :cool:

I'm gad you're sticking around! I love reading your trip reports & hints for travel. As far as Facebook, I joined it fairly recently, & I have everything set to private. I do have a couple of friends from AU on mine, & haven't had any problems. I'm glad the person involved apologized to you. You seem to me to be a real nice gentleman! (I could be wrong!) :giggle:

As I've heard a few English gentlemen say, "Cheerio and hip hip." I'm just glad you saw the dividing line between AU and Face Book. Personally, I don't care for the latter.