Ever Seen One of These?

Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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daxomni, I don't see anything puzzling about the OP, which asks the reader if he or she has "ever seen one of these?" and then includes a picture of the thing in question.

As the vehicle in question is not merely a common hirailer but one with unusual equipment aboard -- and to answer MrFSS's question, I have not seen one before -- there's nothing odd about asking people if they've also seen it. No mind-reading is required. :rolleyes:
It's a ultra-modern track telemetry truck which is taking the place of the old Sperry Rail cars. Somewhere in my junque pile I have a pix of my son running Sperry Car # 144 and meeting a Sperry truck, driven by a woman, in the spur next and west of the Houston station. They were waiting for # 2 in the dark ages and sat for 8 plus hours.The Sperry cars were labor intensive (3-4 crew) no GPS and were basically held together with Gorilla glue. I think I saw one last summer somewhere on the NEC.
Somebody took a picture of the car I keep up in the penthouse suite?

BTW, those ARE torpedo tubes!
So you had better stay on my good side!