anyone in TX???

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Have you called Senator Hutchensens office to ask why she voted against Amtrak funding last week. She WAS one of Amtraks biggest advocates in the Senate. Is she still? Did the dismal performance of the Sunset change her?

Make your calls and emails to her soon!!!!!
Probably for the same reason(s) Trent Lott and Bill Nelson voted against it. There was probably some attachment paperclipped to the bill which a "yes" vote may implement something (for example too expensive maybe even totally unrelated to Amtrak funding) undesirable! There is usually a lot of bullcrap within bills. The big picture regarding the cause and effect must be examined! I have sent corspondence looking for information regarding to both my senators and congressmen here in FL. OBS...
Go to the NARP site ( there You see some info why the Byrd-Amendment has been abolished even by "red" proponents of Amtrak. The reason seems to be that there was a hidden tax-increase in the amendment. Senator Lott said somting along the lines "it's the wrong time and wrong method... but I still support full funding for Amtrak"...

I hope Lott and his allies stand by their word and find a way to pass full funding for FY06 very soon!!
Don't get discouraged over the Byrd amendment. It was just a resolution. The actual decision making begins in early summer, and it is entirely possible that a bill will pass between now and then to provide funding for the coming fiscal year. Rest assured, Lott, Hutchinson, and others will come through. We cannot predict what will ultimately happen to Amtrak, but I am very, very confident that Amtrak will be fully intact through at least next year.

What nobody can predict is what kind of "reforms" to expect. I think that any ideas about private carriers are likely to be dead on arrival because the freight railroads will pour cold water on that one.
Here's a Texan right here. Hutchison is a big supporter of Amtrak. Don't worry. I was mad about not receiving the email in time to call her to vote yes. I'm not sure why she would vote no, but I'm sure the others pretty much said so. I'll be writing Hutchison soon. Cornyn, the other senator has some work to do, but we may be able to convert him.
