Another Northwest Loop trip--the dreaded bustitution

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Sep 9, 2006
Colfax, WA (CFX)
.........which wasn't so bad. Our bus was full, and most of the passengers were taking things in stride, except for one woman, who insisted no one called her (her traveling companion said that was incorrect; she had indeed been notified) and on and on, until she (thankfully) fell asleep. We got a huge free box meal (sandwich, bottled water, chips, apple, cookies) and was good. It didn't take long to see why I much prefer the train: We got into rush hour traffic on I-5 heading north to Vancouver, and it was stop and go for several miles. I'd grabbed a seat on the left side of the bus, figuring we'd be going on I-84 along the Oregon side of the Columbia instead of the Washington side, as the train does. I was mostly right, except that we crossed over the river to Bingen-White Salmon to let four ladies off at Bingen, and continued on the Washington side until the next bridge over the river, where we continued on I-84. Naturally, the 10 miles or so we were on the Washington side are about the most scenic on the trip down the Gorge, and those views were out the right side of the bus. :angry2: The bus was fairly comfortable (but a train would have been better!) and did feature two DVD players at the front of the bus. One teenaged kid was allowed to play a couple of DVD's for everyone, so long as they were G rated, as there were children on the bus. Okay, so "Marmaduke" and "Night at the Museum" aren't exactly intellectually stimulating, but they did help pass the hours by. We made a stop about halfway between Portland and Biggs, OR, for about 15-20 minutes. We pulled into Spokane about 12:30, about 15 minutes behind what the EB usually does.

It wasn't bad, really.........but I'd rather have been on a train!
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