Amtrak Long Distance Trains in Danger of being cut

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Jun 19, 2003
Harrison Michigan
Here is a flier that i urge you to print out and start passing around set it out where ever you can we don't have much time.

There are a lot of rumors out there but what is in this flier is what will happen after June 30th 2006.

If we want to keep Amtrak then we must stop all the fighting and saying where do you get this information.

Take what groups issue as far as fliers and start handing them out.

To go direct to the flier click below

Long Distance Train cut off flier
This is information i got in an e mail can't say from who it is.

My supervisor would not elaborate, but I can assure you the subject matter is what is to be disscussed in the GAO report hearing before Congress on that date. It should also be noted a "service advisory" memo has been drafted to reflect coming changes around the begining of July. They deal with massive OBS and service cuts on many long distance trains, and the enventual issuance of 180 notices (as prescribed by law) mostly in the West and Mid-West. As far as how the East is to be affected exactly I am not sure of at this time, however, it is still safe to say things will get hairy regarding the service cuts and changes.
Two comments:

1. I believe you that it's very possible that long distance trains will be cut soon considering the current administration's position on Amtrak.

2. Please label your comments as speculation until you can provide a source.


David Z
assuming the senate retores amtrak's funding to 1.3 billion(not a cinch by any means but our senator's know how we feel)and amtrak shows savings from the food service labor cuts(shortsighted though they are)do you still think we would see trains cut?
yarrow said:
assuming the senate retores amtrak's funding to 1.3 billion(not a cinch by any means but our senator's know how we feel)and amtrak shows savings from the food service labor cuts(shortsighted though they are)do you still think we would see trains cut?
This is not congress doing this the Bush Admin want's to kill Amtrak and this is a slow death to Amtrak all of thse things lead up to what Bush is tring to do.

1st Gunn

2nd Station closings and Train cut offs

3rd food service

4th funding

They have already tried 1nce this year to cut out stations and trains about 3 months ago but since people got word of what was going on behind closed doors it was backed off until it cooled down which is now the June 30th date.

If you think about it when it was tried before the cuts would have came before the FY 2007 Budget would start.
Posted on the Save Our Trains Michigan Yahoo group

Matt, I was going to tell you about this a couple months ago, but it seems more important that ever to mention now. A couple months ago, my wife (an Amtrak employee) and I were taking the train to Chicago for a little relaxing weekend. We shared an empty car with a pretty high management person from Michigan. He told me that Amtrak was going to cut many on board jobs, particularly chief jobs, and replace those employees with management personal whose sole purpose was to monitor the performance of on board employees and bring them up on charges if they performed out of line. My wife asked if they were going to give them "atta-boy" awards if they were noticed doing something good. His response: "We give them that every Friday when they get their paycheck." Looks like the problem is obvious here, but there is nobody who can do anything about it. The employees work hard (for the most part), and management are a bunch of ****s. That is my opinion from 7 years with the company, and now, thankfully, gone from it...
Yup, we have about a month. We in this forum pretty much cover almost every state or region, so there is no reason why all 100 senators and most 435 (?) reps can't be contacted. Even if 1.5 billion is put in place for '07, it really doesn't do much good if most of the country doesn't have rail service. Even though I just moved from ND, I'm still going to call my old ND Congressmen, as I know they are all Amtrak supporters. I guess we'll see about Alabama. Do your duty and call!

its too bad that it looks like the Sunset Limited(for now) won't be restored east of New Orleans anytime soon, or that Amtrak will institute the New Orleans-Baton Rouge service that Amtrak considered starting up(and ran test trains on early this year).

i just pray to god that no or few stations will be eliminated later this year, and that any cuts Amtrak does are minimal(while keeping all existing long-distance routes running). hopefully, Congress will raise hell to prevent or minimize any train-offs or station cuts that may happen(as painful as either option is, i hope they consider staffing level reductions on trains or snack car elimination over station cuts or train offs, if there must be any). honestly though, i'd like to see no cuts occur, as Amtrak already is making big enough strides to reduce costs and control staffing levels.
We just all wrote to our senators and such about a month ago - at least I did and a few other people on this board did (that I know of).
My wife asked if they were going to give them "atta-boy" awards if they were noticed doing something good. His response: "We give them that every Friday when they get their paycheck."
A common answer to that question by my company was ," We pay you to do a good job, why a pat on the back also?"

its too bad that it looks like the Sunset Limited(for now) won't be restored east of New Orleans anytime soon
I think you can kiss the entire Sunset Limited goodbye. Me thinks it will be the first to go......BD
I've just written to all 3 of my Congressmen: Dorgan, Conrad, and Pomeroy, from ND. All three are Amtrak supporters and I know they will bring this issue up. (hopefully) I didn't just talk about the funding issue but about the imcompetent Board cutting routes. I will also write to my new Congressmen, now that I've moved to Alabama. Not sure how they stand on this issue, but at least they'll know my opinion.

AmtrakFan said:
PRR 60 said:
AmtrakFan said:
...In my 7 Years of following LD Rail this is the worst it has ever been.
That is nearly half your entire life! Sorry, I had to say it. :D
Yes I do know that and I am sick and Tired of these games being played.
He was only kidding with you Amtrakfan, no malicious intent was meant by his comment.
AMTRAK-P42 said:
AmtrakFan said:
PRR 60 said:
AmtrakFan said:
...In my 7 Years of following LD Rail this is the worst it has ever been.
That is nearly half your entire life! Sorry, I had to say it. :D
Yes I do know that and I am sick and Tired of these games being played.
He was only kidding with you Amtrakfan, no malicious intent was meant by his comment.
Ok I didn't realise that Sorry PRR60 if you were offended.
Everyone has or will write their Congress people which is great.

How about writing straight to Bush his self? I have along with my Congressmen and Senators.....BD
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